This extension supports previewing these common office file formats.
- Excel: .xls, .xlsx, .csv
- Word: .docx
- Svg: .svg
- Pdf: .pdf
- Font: .ttf, .otf, .woff, .woff2
- Markdown: .md
- HttpRequest: .http
- Windows Reg: .reg
- Compressed file: .zip, .jar, .vsix
This extension changes the default markdown editor to the vditor.
If you want to use the original vscode editor, insert this in your settings.json
"workbench.editorAssociations": {
"*.md": "default"
Shortcuts: Base on Vditor shortcuts and more:
- Move list up:
Ctrl Alt I
/⌘ ^ I
- Move list down:
Ctrl Alt J
/⌘ ^ J
- Edit in VS Code:
Ctrl Alt E
/⌘ ^ E
- Resize editor via ctrl/cmd+mouse scroll.
- Hyperlinks can be opened by ctrl/meta+click or double-click.
The html editor supports live viewing. Press ctrl+shift+v to open the live view.
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- PDF rendering: mozilla/pdf.js/
- Docx rendering: VolodymyrBaydalka/docxjs
- XLSX rendering:
- SheetJS/sheetjs: XLSX parsing
- myliang/x-spreadsheet: XLSX rendering
- HTTP: Rest Client
- Markdown: Vanessa219/vditor
- Material Icon theme: PKief/vscode-material-icon-theme