
Build the Protocol Buffers C++ runtime as a static arm64 library

Primary LanguageShell

iOS ARM64 Protocol Buffers

Adapted from https://gist.github.com/BennettSmith/9487468ae3375d0db0cc

This modification only builds the arm64 bytecode for Google Protobuf Buffers v3.0.0-beta-2.

Creates include directories and .a static libs appropriate for static linking into an iOS app.

Example CMake integration:

  • run ./build-protofbuf.sh
  • add CMake statement INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(./protobuf/include)
  • add CMake statement TARGET_LINK_LIBRARY(${APP_NAME} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/protobuf/platform/arm64-ios/lib/lib-protobuf-lite.a)

And your app will have a C++ protocol buffers runtime! (on arm64, of course)

Uncomment lines 36 + 37 for armv7 and armv7s respectively. There currently is no lipo.