Fast learning-based electromigration analysis method for multi-segment interconnects using hierarchical Physics-informed Neural Network

Primary LanguagePython


HierPINN-EM is a fast learning-based electromigration (EM) analysis method for multi-segment interconnects using hierarchical Physics-informed Neural Network (PINN)

  • First Stage:

    The first step is to find a parameterized solution for single-segment wires under different boundary conditions, geometrical parameters and stressing current densities.

  • Second Stage:

    Unsupervised PINN is applied to solve the stress and atom flux continuity problem in the interconnects by enforcing the physics laws at the boundaries of all wire segments.

  • HierPINN-EM can significantly reduce the number of variables at the PINN solver, which leads to faster training speed and better accuracy than the plain PINN method.

First Stage Second Stage
first stage second stage


HierPINN-EM requires Pytorch to be installed as backend. It was tested on Fermi server in Anaconda virtual env with following dependencies:

  • python=3.8.12
  • scipy=1.7.3
  • pytorch=1.7.1 (build=py3.8_cuda11.0.221_cudnn8.0.5_0)
  • cudatoolkit=11.0.221
  • numpy=1.21.5
  • matplotlib=3.5.1
  • ...

Please refer to the requirements.txt file for more info on dependent packages.

To enable the gpu version of pytorch, please install pytorch using following command on Fermi (GPU: TITAN RTX, Driver: NVIDIA-SMI 450.51.05 Driver Version: 450.51.05 CUDA Version: 11.0):

$ conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch


  • Random Interconnects Generation:

    Generate multi-segment interconnect trees and COMSOL results by following the instructions in Random Interconnects Generation.

    First, run line.py to create multi-segment straight wires or run autoGenGeo_correct.py to create multi-segment interconnect trees. The results will be saved in .geo and .mat files inside ./data folder.

    Second, launch Matlab on server with command comsol mphserver matlab and run simulate.m in Matlab. The COMSOL results will be filled into .mat files inside ./data folder.

  • First Stage:

    Run first_stage_single_segment_stress_predictor.py to train the stress predictor. The path to the random interconnects (training dataset) generated in the previous step should be passed through --data-path argument.

  • Second Stage:

    Run second_stage_atom_flux_predictor.py to train the atom flux predictor. The path to the random interconnects (test set) should be passed through --data-path argument. The path to the trained first stage model should be passed through --model-path argument.

  • An example first stage model is already trained using first 8000 cases in folder /fermi_data/shared/wentian/hierpinn_em/EMdataset_10seg_1n2/ on lab server, and the trained model is saved in ./ckpt/trial_function_mlp_20.pkl. You can directly run the second stage second_stage_atom_flux_predictor.py on test set in foler /fermi_data/shared/wentian/hierpinn_em/test_trees/ on lab server using this trained first stage model.


Accepted to ICCAD 2022: iccad22_hierarchical_pinn

  author={Jin, Wentian and Chen, Liang and Lamichhane, Subed and Kavousi, Mohammadamir and Tan, Sheldon X.-D.},
  title={HierPINN-EM: Fast Learning-Based Electromigration Analysis for Multi-Segment Interconnects Using Hierarchical Physics-informed Neural Network}, 
  booktitle = iccad,

The Team

HierPINN-EM was originally developed by Wentian Jin at VSCLAB under the supervision of Prof. Sheldon Tan.

HierPINN-EM is currently maintained by Wentian Jin.