
Tender Plugin for Django

Primary LanguagePython


Please direct all bugs and feature requests to the lighthouse page for this project:



To use the API parts of tender you will need to install the following on your python path:

The following is included as a submoulde of this project, and will be automatically downloaded using the instructions below.


  1. Checkout the project into a folder called tenderize on your python path:

    git clone git://github.com/chrisdrackett/django-tenderize.git tenderize

  2. Update the submodules (this gets the python tender API wrapper)

    cd django-tenderize/

    git submodule update --init

  1. Add tenderize to your installed apps, and add the following to settings.py:

TENDER_APP_NAME = 'appname' # your tender app name, .tenderapp.com/ TENDER_EMAIL = 'email@address.com' # this is the default email that will be used for API requests TENDER_PASSWORD = 'xxxx' # the password that goes along with the above email TENDER_SECRET = "???" # get from tender TENDER_DOMAIN = 'support.mysite.com' # your.tenderapp.com TENDER_LOGIN_TIME = 1209600 # how long the cookies will last (2 weeks in seconds)

  1. Add the following to urlpatterns in urls.py:

(r'^', include('tenderize.urls'))

  1. Run syncdb


tenderize uses multipass for logging users into tender. To get this URL you can use the helper:

from tenderize.helpers import multipass_url

Tender API

Documentation of the tender API is coming as the python wrapper matures. You can initiate the api using the helper function 'tender_api' in helpers.py. This function will default to using the email and password you have in settings, but can be overridden.

Currently there is a helper in place to sync categories from tender into your database. This should help you display categories without hitting tender. We also have a shortcut to create discussions directly from the django Category object.