
Move button up and down

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Would be nice if we had methods (with a parameter for height) for moving the button up (animated) when a snackbar is shown, and move it back after snackbar is dismissed.

Hi OKA133,

Interesting suggestion. As I understood, snackbar is a kind of a bar placed at the bottom, right?
I won't be hard to add such methods I think
Do you have any suggestions about animations?


Yes, a snackbar is something new from material design. I prefer to use this snackbar library. Also see this for official specs for snackbar and floating action button.

I don't have any specific animation in mind, but it should at least have a slide up/down.


Ok. Will add it

any process on this?

In progress here

Will be done soon

Implemented in version 1.1.0