
Workshop held at UofA through the UAIS

Primary LanguagePython


The accompanying slides are here

In this demo will be using OpenAi Gym, a standard API for reinforcement learning with a lot of built in environments

Installation & Setup

Setting up the virtual envorment

Using Conda

  • Lets create a new virtual enviorment to house our new project called OpenAiGym by typing the following comand into the terminal conda create -n uais-rl python=3.7
  • Next we will active our enviorment conda activate uais-rl
  • If you do not have miniconda installed you can get it here

Using venv

  • Lets create a new virtual enviorment to house our new project called OpenAiGym by typing the following comand into the terminal python3 -m venv OpenAiGym-env
  • To activate on Windows run: OpenAiGym-env\Scripts\activate.bat
  • To activate on Unix or MacOS run: source OpenAiGym-env/bin/activate

Setting up the virtual enviorment kernel for Jupyter Notebook

  • Firstly lets install Jupyter Notebook pip install notebook
  • First we need to install the following package pip install --user ipykernel
  • Next we need to add the kernel so we can have it in our Jupyter Notebook python -m ipykernel install --user --name=uais-rl
  • Later if you wanna remove the enverment use jupyter kernelspec uninstall myenv

Installation - Notebook Only

  • Next we need to install the base gym library pip install gym
  • We will also need to install the atari enviorment dependences pip install 'gym[atari]'
  • You can freely download Atari 2600 roms here but the Breakout ROM that we will be using is provided
  • Next we will use ALE to import our ROM ale-import-roms ROMS/
  • Next install imageio for capturing our image frames pip install imageio
  • and lastly install cv2 pip install opencv-python

Installation - Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Next install pytorch conda install pytorch -c pytorch
  • Next clone this repo
  • and then install all the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  • lastly pip install 'stable-baselines3[extra]'

More info

  • A good artical to help you get started with OpenAi Gym is here
  • Another article that was very helpful for setting up the Atari environment is here