ABOUT ===== django-snippets enables content managers to maintain small chunks of text embedded on other pages (i.e., includes out of database). INSTALLATION ============ python setup.py install USAGE ===== As content manager ------------------ Login to the admin site and define snippets of your choice. Snippets can be deactivated. This will prevent them from being rendered. This comes handy when you don't need the snippet for the moment but want to keep its content for later. As template designer -------------------- To use a snippet in your templates: {% load snippet %} {# use single- or double-quoted string for hardcoded snippet name #} {% get_snippet "home-page-special-message" %} {% get_snippet 'welcome' %} {# or pass a variable #} {% get_snippet snippet_variable %} That's it. LICENSE ======= MIT license AUTHOR ====== Sergiy Kuzmenko sergiy@kuzmenko.org
A simple module to manage snippets of text embedded in Django templates