
Django media browser for WYSIWYG HTML editor

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Media browser for Django.


By default mediabrowser uses easy-thumbnails for creating image thumbnails.

In settings.py:

# add mediabrowser to INSTALLED_APPS:

# Optional settings:

# Where mediabrowser should upload files (default is "mb/%Y/%m"):

# URL for selecting links in your CMS.
# If set, this vlaue will be passed to {% url %} template tag:
MEDIABROWSER_PAGE_SELECTOR_URL = "my-cms-url-content-selector-name"

# Function for user access to mediabrowser
# (defaults to user.is_staff)
MEDIABROWSER_USER_PASSES_TEST = lambda user:user.is_authenticated

# Require mediabrowser to check user permissions
# (defaults to False)

# Automatically resize uploaded images to fit within given dimensions
# (default to None, i.e. no resizing)

In urls.py:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'', include('mediabrowser.urls')),

After having added mediabrowser to INSTALLED_APPS run ./manage.py syncdb.

Controlling mediabrowser access

By default full media browser access is allowed for any authenticated staff user (i.e., user.is_staff == True). You can use the following settings to refine user access rules:

Set MEDIABROWSER_USER_PASSES_TEST. It should be a callable that takes user object as argument and returns Boolean. It is a single access control option for uploading, browsing and deletion. Example:

MEDIABROWSER_USER_PASSES_TEST = lambda user: user.has_perm("mycms.change_content")

Set MEDIABROWSER_CHECK_USER_PERMISSIONS = True. This will ensure user must have explicit permissions to delete or add assets.

Integrating your CMS content browser

To integrate mediabrowser with your custom CMS to be able to select your CMS's content to link to, do the following:

  • Define your own view listing content.
  • Set MEDIABROWSER_PAGE_SELECTOR_URL to url name of this view.
  • Make your view's template inherit from mediabrowser/base.html. (Required context variables: asset_type=doc, page_selector_url=your_url)

You CMS integration view can be created by subclassing mediabrowser.views.BaseAssetListView. But you can also create your view from scratch. Just pass the following context to the template:

context = {
    # mediabrowser needs to retain original query string set by the editor:
    'QUERY_STRING': self.request.GET.urlencode(),
    # set asset_type to doc to use mediabrowser in link mode
    # (as apposed to image insertion mode),
    # otherwise "Browse documents" and "Browse content" tabs won't appear:
    "asset_type": "doc",
    # Editor needs to know your page_selector_url, otherwise it will not display the
    # "Browse content" tab:
    "page_selector_url": settings.MEDIABROWSER_PAGE_SELECTOR_URL

Customizing appearance

To override CSS definitions create your own mediabrowser/includes/css.html and include your own CSS.

By default mediabrowser uses easy-thumbnails. If you would like to use your own thumbnailing engine override mediabrowser/includes/asset-listing.html.

WYSIWYG integration


In Django template:

    // To activate image broswer:
    CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = "{% url 'mediabrowser-add-image' %}";
    // To activate file browser:
    CKEDITOR.config.filebrowserLinkBrowseUrl = "{% url 'mediabrowser-add-document' %}";

For details see CKEditor documentation.

Custom integration

MEDIABROWSER.insertFile = function(asset_url) {
    // handle asset insertion here

This can be done inside your own mediabrowser/includes/head.html include file.

Note that you don't need to close editor window from your custom fuction. This will be done automatically after your funciton is executed.