
🕵🏽‍♀️ Identifying the author behind New York Time’s op-ed from inside the Trump White House.

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🕵🏽 ♀️ Identifying the author behind New York Time’s op-ed from inside the Trump White House.

## corr matrix
mat <- readRDS("data/mat.rds")

## print matrix
cor(t(mat))[, "op-ed"] %>% sort()
#>           USDOT  DeptVetAffairs           USDOL          HUDgov 
#>      -0.7923443      -0.6046442      -0.5116041      -0.4989040 
#>             EPA            USDA        Interior          SBAgov 
#>      -0.4929554      -0.4810160      -0.4326364      -0.3840941 
#>      USTreasury  SecretaryZinke      SecShulkin          DHSgov 
#>      -0.3413849      -0.2922546      -0.2605447      -0.2237110 
#>  TheJusticeDept      SecPriceMD         Cabinet         usedgov 
#>      -0.2231511      -0.2102655      -0.1861103      -0.1610005 
#>  SecretaryPerry   SecElaineChao          HHSGov          ENERGY 
#>      -0.0998643      -0.0936370      -0.0794056      -0.0606396 
#>      mike_pence        OMBPress     CommerceGov      nikkihaley 
#>      -0.0563475      -0.0364755      -0.0270086       0.0452229 
#>        SBALinda             CIA   DeptofDefense            USUN 
#>       0.1009770       0.1139948       0.1398299       0.1790831 
#>      USTradeRep SecretaryAcosta  stevenmnuchin1  SecretarySonny 
#>       0.1840837       0.1860960       0.1905300       0.3356500 
#> SecretaryCarson     EPAAWheeler    BetsyDeVosED         SecAzar 
#>       0.4894218       0.4931722       0.5488558       0.6268701 
#>      SecNielsen       StateDept   SecretaryRoss       SecPompeo 
#>       0.6716064       0.6843869       0.7373439       0.7669710 
#>           POTUS              VP           op-ed 
#>       0.7986615       0.8010629       1.0000000

## plot estimates
est <- cor(t(mat))[, "op-ed"] %>% sort()
data_frame(screen_name = names(est), r = est) %>%
    arrange(est) %>%
    mutate(screen_name = factor(screen_name, levels = screen_name)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = screen_name, y = r)) + 
    geom_col(aes(fill = r > 0), width = .3) + 
    geom_point(shape = 21, fill = "greenyellow", size = 2.75) + 
    tfse::theme_mwk(light = "white", base_family = "Avenir Next LT Pro") + 
    coord_flip() + 
    labs(title = "Text similarity of NYT op-ed and Cabinet tweets", 
        subtitle = "Correlation estimates based on 100+ features extracted from texts", 
        y = NULL, x = NULL,
        caption = "Source: Texts from Twitter & New York Times analyzed by @kearneymw") + 
    theme(legend.position = "none") + 
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("#2244ee", "#dd2222")) + 
    ggsave("plot.png", width = 7, height = 6.5)



I compared the paragraphs of the op-ed to tweets posted to timelines by members of the Cabinet.


Here’s the code:

## load tidyverse

## download Twitter profiles via CSPAN's cabinet list
cab_twits <- lists_members(
    owner_user = "CSPAN", slug = "the-cabinet")

## get up to 3200 of most recent tweets for each
cab_tweets <- cab_twits %>%
    filter(screen_name != "realDonaldTrump") %>%
    pull(user_id) %>%
    map(get_timeline, n = 3200) %>%

## scrape source code for op-ed
nyt <- read_html(

## return just the paragraph text
nyt_text <- nyt %>%
    html_nodes("p") %>%
    html_text() %>%

## create data set with just author (id) and text
data <- data_frame(
    id = c(cab_tweets$screen_name, rep("op-ed", length(nyt_text))),
    text = c(cab_tweets$text, nyt_text)

## feature extraction
tf <- textfeatures::textfeatures(data, word_dims = 80, threads = 20)

## summarise by id
tfsum <- tf %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    summarise_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE) %>%

## vector of unique authors
authors <- unique(tfsum$id)

## create numeric vectors of equal length for each author
cols <- map(authors,
    ~ filter(tfsum, id == .x) %>% select(-id) %>% as.list() %>% unlist())

## create matrix
mat <- cols %>%
    unlist() %>%
    as.numeric() %>%
    matrix(nrow = length(authors), byrow = TRUE)

## set row and column names
row.names(mat) <- authors

## dipslay matrix
cor(t(mat))[, "op-ed"] %>% sort()