- 2
[sed] did not replace correctly
#225 opened by sntran - 2
sed should be silent if '-i' is provided
#159 opened by nfischer - 2
- 3
Can't get globs to work with `rm`
#213 opened by matthew-dean - 1
shx cp -r Creates nested recursive directories
#209 opened by tvomacka - 0
mv fails silently
#211 opened by vasyop - 2
--silent doesn't work
#208 opened by its-dibo - 3
--silent exists with code 1
#210 opened by its-dibo - 7
find not fully supported
#177 opened by tdjastrzebski - 0
support more linux commands
#207 opened by its-dibo - 2
fails when passing arguments separately
#203 opened by its-dibo - 2
Add ability to invert test
#202 opened by funnylookinhat - 6
- 1
- 1
Node 16 support
#199 opened by davidicus - 1
rm rf The system cannot find the path specified.
#191 opened by gabifuse - 7
Issues running NPM script on Windows 10
#164 opened by stevendesu - 1
shx grep -v adds extra newline
#163 opened by backspaces - 1
echo works differently in Win
#192 opened by hcfw007 - 6
pushd not found on linux
#167 opened by brunolemos - 1
Why not directly overwrite these commands of cp/rm/mv but place them as subcommands of shx?
#188 opened by rxliuli - 0
- 2
New release with ShellJS v0.8.4
#185 opened by stevendesu - 3
- 5
Npm package should always have a main module
#180 opened by clayrisser - 4
- 1
- 2
- 2
cp command with --parents?
#175 opened by basickarl - 1
- 2
Support tail -f / -F
#172 opened by martin-braun - 1
Can I replace bash prompt with shx ? If so, how ?
#171 opened by meepeek - 8
sed: no files given
#169 opened by viT-1 - 12
- 2
Doesn't seem to work for "prepack" lifecycle script
#168 opened by Venryx - 3
env command
#166 opened by KSXGitHub - 3
- 6
rm -rf random fails on windows
#160 opened by chadbr - 2
sed: option not recognized: n
#147 opened by andrewvarga - 2
Regex support for forward slashes in sed
#136 opened by pithyless - 2
sed does not replace in files
#158 opened by FredLackeyOfficial - 0
Remove es6-object-assign dependency
#146 opened by nfischer - 0
- 1
wildcards not working on mv
#149 opened by AaronNGray - 0
- 3
Mocha and babel compiler warnings
#144 opened by nfischer - 1
Lots of warnings when installing
#134 opened by nfischer - 2
curl / wget
#141 opened by cyrilchapon - 2
test timeout: "works with commands with no output"
#140 opened by nfischer - 0
Appveyor config broken for latest npm
#132 opened by nfischer