
Vritra is a powerful Discord-based bot acting as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), offering remote access and control for multiple connections.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Please note that this code is intended for educational purposes only. I take no responsibility for any actions or consequences resulting from its usage.


Vritra is a potent and versatile bot that operates as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), utilizing Discord as its Command and Control (C2) server. It is capable of providing remote access and control over multiple computer connections.


App Screenshot


  • Remote Desktop: Gain remote access to connected computers and control their desktop as if you were physically present.

  • Reconnaissance: Retrieve valuable insights into system details, network configurations, and more by gathering information from connected computers.

  • Remote Shell Commands: Execute shell commands on connected computers, enabling you to remotely run scripts, perform system operations, and manage processes.

  • File Management: Seamlessly upload and download files between your local machine and connected computers, facilitating easy data and resource transfer.

  • System Monitoring: Keep track of system resources, including CPU usage, memory utilization, and network activity, providing valuable information about the performance and health of connected computers.


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