
Utility that automates text cleaning over batches of text files

Primary LanguagePython

Text Cleaner

This script automates text cleaning over one or more text files. Input should consist one or more messages separated by pipe dividers ('|').

Run the following at the Terminal prompt to get started for Python 2.7:

$ python2 text_clean.py --input example_texts

or (for Python 3.x):

$ python3 text_clean.py --input example_texts

The core spell correcting function requires the Python nltk package. In order to install this in your current environment, input the following at your Terminal prompt:

$ pip install nltk

Currently the following cleaning functions are supported for each message in the text file:

1.) Repeating tokens are removed; first instance is kept:

  • "I am John John John" >>> "I am John"

2.) Mixed type tokens are removed, e.g. "John23", "$Max$", however some special cases are kept:

  • Dollars ($5, $5,000)
  • Percentages (2%, 2,000%)
  • HH:MM Times (4:00, 17:00)
  • Ordinals (5th, 22nd, 33rd, 71st)
  • Punctuation at end of token (Hello!, Yes?, Jacks', 101,)
  • Apostrophe tokens (Don't, Didn't, Jack's)

3.) Long tokens are removed (character string length greater than 13):

  • "1234567890123455"
  • "nowthishereisareallylongword"

4.) Tokens with three or more repeating characters are removed:

  • "Rogggger"
  • "1000000"

5.) All non-punctuation symbols are removed (@, ^, #, etc.), however math expressions are kept:

  • "2 + 2"
  • "5 * 5"
  • "7 - 7 = 0"

6.) Repeating quad-groups, tri-groups, and bi-groups are removed; first instance is kept:

  • "I am watching I am watching I am watching I am watching" >>> ""I am watching"

7.) Gibberish tokens are removed (this is based on the author's subjective discretion):

  • "alskdjfaasdlfjkasd"
  • "s"
  • "iaaiuuuuwu"