
Kanban board for kintone

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT

✴️ Kanban Board for Ménneu Reporting App for kintone

Kanban boad app for kintone.

📍 Features

  • Kanban body text written in Markdown
  • Due date
  • Customizable status and lane (teams/stories)
  • Status and lane changing by DnD.
  • Show QR code

🖼 Gallery

Kanban board

Kanban board

Calendar view

Calendar view

List view

List view

💻 Requiments

🔶 Kanban Board App (App that uses the ReportingApp)


Field Code Caption Value Type Required
team_or_story Team Team A, Team B, Team C Dropdown X
status Status Backlog, ToDo, InProgress, Staging, Done, Archived, Rejected Dropdown X
assignee Assignee UserSelect
due_date DueDate Date
flags Flags Marked Checkboxes
description Description Textarea X
memo Memo Textarea
barcode Barcode Textarea
estimated_duration Estimated duration (H) Textbox
link Link Textbox
attachments Attachments Attachements
作成者 作成者 creator X
作成日時 作成日時 createdDt X
更新者 更新者 modifier X
更新日時 更新日時 updatedDt X

bold : Use from the report.

JS and CSS

JS (PC, Mobile)


📑📊 ReportingApp (帳票テンプレート App)

Report definition

Report for list view (for multiple records)

  • KanbanBoard
  • Scripting, LSX, List
Report_template (lisp LSX scripting)
;; Report configurations

    ;; Set status to show
    ($let status-list ($list
        (# (value "Backlog")
           (caption "🛌 Backlog")
           (class "status-backlog") )
        (# (value "ToDo")
           (caption "📯 ToDo")
           (class "status-todo") )
        (# (value "InProgress")
           (caption "⛏ InProgress")
           (class "status-inprogress") )
        (# (value "Staging")
           (caption "📦 Staging")
           (class "status-staging") )
        (# (value "Done")(done)
           (caption "🎉 Done")
           (class "status-done") )))

    ;; Set teams or stories to show
    ($let team-or-story-list ($list
        (# (value "Team A")
           (caption "🐆 Team A")
           (class "team-or-story-team-a") )
        (# (value "Team B")
           (caption "🦃 Team B")
           (class "team-or-story-team-b") )
        (# (value "Team C")
           (caption "🐍 Team C")
           (class "team-or-story-team-c") )))

    ;; Set your kintone environment domain and app id
    ($let record-url-base "https://??????????.cybozu.com/k/15/")


    /* Customize row|col|sticky color */
    table.board thead th.status-backlog {
        background-color: #f8f8f8;
    table.board td.status-backlog {
        background-color: #efefef;
    table.board thead th.status-done {
        background-color: #f8f8f8;
    table.board td.status-done {
        background-color: #efefef;


    .sticky-note { ... }


    .team-or-story-team-b .sticky-note {
        background-color: #dbedff;


🐞 Bugs

Rendering is broken when used on iOS devices.

This is probably a bug in Safari (and iOS WebView).
If the GPU rendering element has conditional CSS selectors with GPU related properties, the renderer blends garbage GPU surfaces.


.sticky-note {
    /* transform: rotate(-0.25deg); */
.sticky-link:nth-of-type(2n) .sticky-note {
    /* transform: rotate(0.15deg); */
.sticky-link:nth-of-type(3n) .sticky-note {
    /* transform: rotate(0.65deg); */
.sticky-link:nth-of-type(5n) .sticky-note {
    /* transform: rotate(-0.65deg); */
.sticky-link .sticky-note:hover {
    /* filter: drop-shadow(7px 7px 2px #888); */
    /* transform: rotate(-3deg); */


⚖️ License

  • MIT

Copyright (c) 2019 Shellyl_N