
A GUI for wheat stomata semantic segmentaion

Primary LanguagePython


A GUI for wheat stomata semantic segmentaion

Download files

You can download the "EXE" file from Baidu clould disk.

Go to the link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bJB2L2hxO9n5R0fTMrbOlQ

Extraction code: abcd

If this link doesn't work, you can send email: 2020201018@stu.njau.edu.cn.

Use the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

2.1 open “stomata.exe”

Click on “stomata.exe”, and you will see the GUI.

2.2 Select the video file

Click on the icon at the top left corner and choose the video you want to test.

2.3 Set up the parameter

Stomata Number: the range is 2 to 10, and it represents the number of stoma you want to choose. Because the first box is used to select the time and date area, its minimun value is 2.

Interval: it represents semantic segmentation every n frames.

Model Path: select a semantic segmentation model. Here, we provide a model (model.h5) for testing.

2.4 Enter the path and name of results

Modify the path and name of the output, and the default are “result.avi” and “result.csv”.

2.5 Select the stomata of interest

Click “Run” , and you can see the first frame of the video.

The first box must select the time and date area, and the other boxes choose the stomata of interest. After drawing a rectangle, press “Enter” on the keyboard to confirm.

When finished, the “.csv” file and the video file will be saved in the local folder.