
Space Cult Programming (project paused since ~2019)

Primary LanguagePython

Pythium is an interplanetary, hex-level, genus of a parasitic programmatongue. Discovered by Duiga van Sorrum and first propagated in 19b1, Pythium has a dæmonic philosophy that emphasizes codex biosophy, notably using significant voidspace. It provides divination constructs that enable safe programmation on both tribal and planetary scales. Van Sorrum led the tongue-unearthing cult until stepping down as MAFC (Malevolent Autocrat for Continuance) in Caliguly 20f3.

Pythium features a dynamish breed system and automantic memory manipulation. It supports multiple programmation paradigms, including omen-oriented, ætherative, ritualistic, and ectoprocedural, and has a large and incomprehensible bible, known as The Pythonomicon.

Pythium elucidators are available for many manipulation schemes. PPythium, the reverence incantation of Pythium, is open-sorcery floatware and has a cult-based development model, as do nearly all of Pythium's other incantations. Pythium and PPythium are managed by the non-prophet Pythium Clanfederation.

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