
Data for DeathStarBench

Primary LanguagePython

Firecracker and Container Data of Hotel Reservation

Specific setting and detailed vm and core corresponding can see the Readme-v6.md and Readme-v8.md.

The firecrackers and containers in Readme-v6.md have the same setting, each vm set to one cpu core.

The firecreackers in Readme-v8.md each vm set to one, two or more cores.


CPU related

Use mpstat -P ALL 1 to generate "cpu_perf.txt".

Use fio_extract.py to deal data and get graphs.

  • Graphs:
    • mpstat_all.png
    • mpstat_UsrSysEtc.png
    • mpstat_data_overtime.png (cpu utilization overtime)

mpstat_data_overtime.png is the same as the excels in folder v6's randomCore-v6, setOddEvenCore-v6 and folder v8's randomCore-v8, setOddEvenCore-v8.


Use cat /proc/schedstat to generate "schedstat.txt".

Use schedstat_extract.py to deal data and get graphs.

Get the colume 7, 8, 9 of the cpu0 to 31


Use cat /proc/sched_debug to generate "schedDebug.txt".

Use schedDebug_extract.py to deal data and get graphs.

Get the .nr_switches of each core.

  • Graphs:
    • schedDebug_fig.png


Use cat /proc/interrupts to generate "interrupts.txt".

Use interrupts_extract.py to deal data and get graphs.

Get the RES: ....... Rescheduling interrupts of each core.

  • Graphs:
    • interrupts_fig.png