
A basic single page react/redux web application which searches the youtube API with some basic filtering, and ability to save favourites.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

YouTube Clone

A basic single page react/redux web application which searches the youtube API with some basic filtering, and ability to save favourites.

A demo is available at https://youtube-clone.herokuapp.com/

How to get the repo running locally on your machine

Clone it to your machine:

git clone https://github.com/shenders13/youtube-clone.git

Install all the node dependencies:

npm install

Start the server. From the root directory:

npm start

In a new tab in your terminal, start the autotranspiler. This detects any changes you make to the client runs webpack to automatically transpile your changes from JSX to javascript.:

npm run dev

Suggested improvements

  • A new video starts automatically when the current one finishes. Especially useful to "play through" a user's favourites list.
  • User accounts (will obviously require a DB) so that a user's favourite list can persist after refreshing the browser.