
Demonstrate how to use Ocelot with Consul and IdentityServer4 in .NET Core.

Primary LanguageC#


  1. Install consul.

How to run

  1. Clone code to your local computer.
  2. Execute command consul agent -dev -config-dir=consul.d under the Ocelot.Demo\Ocelot.ApiGateways folder. After that visist the http://localhost:8500/ui to go to consul dashboard.
  3. Start Ocelot.Identity.Api(6003), Ocelot.ApiGateways(60000), Ocelot.Catalog.Api(6002) and Ocelot.Basket.Api(6001) with dotnet run command.
  4. Use postman to post a request with the following parameters to localhost:6003/connect/token to get bearer token. (content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
  1. Use postman to visist the localhost:60000/index with the token for testing Ocelot request aggregate.
Authorization:Bearer {token}
  1. Use postman to send a request to localhost:60000/admin/configuration for getting or modifying ocelot configuration at runtime. (First of all, you must get bearer token with client_id:ocelot.admin,client_secret:secret and then use the token to send request. Just reference step 4, step 5.)

For more detail visis :

  1. .NET Core + Ocelot + IdentityServer4 + Consul 基础架构实现.
  2. APIGatewayDemo