
A wrapper repo for easy configure Orleans cluster,reminder,grain persistence with Ado.NET provider.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


build A simple wrapper repo for configuring Orleans cluster, reminder, grain persistence with Ado.NET provider. There are four nuget package:

  1. Orleans.AdoNet.MySql
  2. Orleans.AdoNet.SqlServer
  3. Orleans.AdoNet.Oracle
  4. Orleans.AdoNet.PostgreSql

How to Use

  1. Chose nuget package according to your Ado.Net provider. For example, if you want use SqlServer for Orleans cluster/remiand/persistence, add Orleans.AdoNet.SqlServer package from Visual Studio Nuget Package Manager.
  2. After install package, a readme.txt will open in your visual studio like below. Copy script in the readme.txt and run in your Database.
-- The sql scripts in the below is for creating table and seeding data for orleans clustering, persistence and remiander. 
-- It will create the following tables:
-- 1. OrleansQuery
-- 2. OrleansMembershipTable (This is for Orleans Cluster manager.)
-- 3. OrleansMembershipVersionTable (This is for Orleans Cluster manager.)
-- 4. OrleansRemindersTable (This is for Orleans Reminder.)
-- 5. Storage (This is for Orleans Grain Persistence.)

-- Please copy and run it in your SqlServer database !

  1. You can keep table on your need. (OrleansQuery cannot delete!!!)
  2. If there is no readme.txt display, navigation to responding project in this repo, and open the SqlScripts folder, you will find sql scripts. And you should run *-Main.Sql first, and then run other sql scripts according to your requirement.
  1. Use extension method on your Orleans Server side like below.
    .UseOrleans((builder) =>
         var connectionString =
             @"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Hello.Orleans;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False;Max Pool Size=200;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";
        //use AdoNet for clustering 
        builder.UseSqlServerClustering(option =>
             option.ConnectionString = connectionString;
         }).Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
             options.ClusterId = "Hello.Orleans";
             options.ServiceId = "Hello.Orleans";
         }).ConfigureEndpoints(new Random().Next(10001, 20000), new Random().Next(20001, 30000));

        //use AdoNet for reminder service
        builder.UseSqlServerReminderService(options =>
             options.ConnectionString = connectionString;

        //use AdoNet for Persistence
        builder.AddSqlServerGrainStorageAsDefault(options =>
            options.ConnectionString = connectionString;
            options.UseJsonFormat = true;
  1. Use extension method on your Orleans Client side like below.
var connectionString =
   @"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Hello.Orleans;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False;Max Pool
// Configure a client and connect to the service.
var client = new ClientBuilder()
   .UseSqlServerClustering(option =>
       option.ConnectionString = connectionString).Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
       options.ClusterId = "Hello.Orleans";
       options.ServiceId = "Hello.Orleans";
   .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddConsole())