A simple wrapper repo for configuring Orleans cluster, reminder, grain persistence with Ado.NET provider. There are four nuget package:
- Orleans.AdoNet.MySql
- Orleans.AdoNet.SqlServer
- Orleans.AdoNet.Oracle
- Orleans.AdoNet.PostgreSql
- Chose nuget package according to your Ado.Net provider.
For example, if you want use SqlServer for Orleans cluster/remiand/persistence, add
package from Visual Studio Nuget Package Manager. - After install package, a readme.txt will open in your visual studio like below. Copy script in the readme.txt and run in your Database.
-- The sql scripts in the below is for creating table and seeding data for orleans clustering, persistence and remiander.
-- It will create the following tables:
-- 1. OrleansQuery
-- 2. OrleansMembershipTable (This is for Orleans Cluster manager.)
-- 3. OrleansMembershipVersionTable (This is for Orleans Cluster manager.)
-- 4. OrleansRemindersTable (This is for Orleans Reminder.)
-- 5. Storage (This is for Orleans Grain Persistence.)
-- Please copy and run it in your SqlServer database !
- You can keep table on your need. (OrleansQuery cannot delete!!!)
- If there is no readme.txt display, navigation to responding project in this repo, and open the SqlScripts folder, you will find sql scripts. And you should run *-Main.Sql first, and then run other sql scripts according to your requirement.
- Use extension method on your Orleans Server side like below.
.UseOrleans((builder) =>
var connectionString =
@"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Hello.Orleans;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False;Max Pool Size=200;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";
//use AdoNet for clustering
builder.UseSqlServerClustering(option =>
option.ConnectionString = connectionString;
}).Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
options.ClusterId = "Hello.Orleans";
options.ServiceId = "Hello.Orleans";
}).ConfigureEndpoints(new Random().Next(10001, 20000), new Random().Next(20001, 30000));
//use AdoNet for reminder service
builder.UseSqlServerReminderService(options =>
options.ConnectionString = connectionString;
//use AdoNet for Persistence
builder.AddSqlServerGrainStorageAsDefault(options =>
options.ConnectionString = connectionString;
options.UseJsonFormat = true;
- Use extension method on your Orleans Client side like below.
var connectionString =
@"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Hello.Orleans;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False;Max Pool
// Configure a client and connect to the service.
var client = new ClientBuilder()
.UseSqlServerClustering(option =>
option.ConnectionString = connectionString).Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
options.ClusterId = "Hello.Orleans";
options.ServiceId = "Hello.Orleans";
.ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddConsole())