
Web API authentication using React and Identity Server 4. Repo for blog post.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Project Bebop


Project Bebop is a small demo of using oidc-client to authenticate a React app user via Identity Server 4 to access a web API.

Running Instructions

  1. Run Identity and Web API from Visual Studio.
  2. Navigate to Bebop.WebApp
  3. Install dependencies with npm install
  4. Run the React app with npm start
  • Identity will run on https://localhost:5001.
  • Web API will run on https://localhost:5002.
  • React App will run on https://localhost:3000.

Project Components

The project consists of 3 parts:

  • Bebop.WebApp: A lightweight React app that implements oidc-client and Redux to handle user authentication via Identity Server 4.
  • Bebop.Identity: Identity Server 4. Handles user authentication via OpenID Connect along with configuration of clients, users and resources.
  • Bebop.WebAPI: A .Net Core Web API to be accessed by authenticated users from the React app.