A comprehesive survey about foundation models for weather and cliamte data understanding.
- ajikmrVisage Technology
- AkramzMicrosoft
- blizhanCitadal
- chauncy-git
- ChenyuDongNUS
- enguy-hub
- EricKevin98
- geoexploring
- HaolinliuCC
- huangzq681Sun Yat-sen University
- jaychempanZJUT & THU
- JiahaoWang9945
- lixiao2
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- mancevd
- MengMaxFan
- mondlichtpierrot
- pankajkarmanKIT Germany
- PeiqinZhuang
- RepleteSky
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- rs-lsl
- shengchaochen82University of Technology Sydney
- SimonMolinskyLooking for the new opportunities: AI, GIS, ML, MLOps, Python
- Siujohnjai
- summer2000
- sunny1401ML at The University of Edinburgh and SENSE CDT
- Taohongdou
- tyui592@eartheight
- wp8733684
- yao5461NULL
- YeasirRayhanPrincePurdue University
- yohang-hydroBeijing, China
- Youngggggggggg
- yyyujintangShanghai Jiao Tong University
- ZhousLab@MathEXLab