- Prose diffs for any document format supported by Pandoc
- Supported output formats:
- CriticMarkup
- PDF, via LaTeX
- Word docx with Track Changes
- Respects document structure, so won't produce broken markup like
First install Pandoc and npm, then run:
npm install -g pandiff
pandiff test/old.md test/new.md
{~~Old~>New~~} Title
1. Lorem ipsum dolor {++sit ++}amet
2. {++[consectetur adipiscing
3. Lorem{-- ipsum--} dolor sit amet
I really love *italic {~~fonts~>font-styles~~}* {~~here.~>there.~~}
``` diff
print("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt")
Don’t go around saying {--to people that --}the world owes you a
living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. {~~One~>Only
one~~} thing is impossible for God: To find{++ any++} sense in any
copyright law on the planet. Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is
because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.
pandiff --help
Usage: pandiff [OPTIONS] FILE1 FILE2
-F, --filter=STRING
-f, --from=FORMAT
-h, --help
-o, --output=FILE
-s, --standalone
-t, --to=FORMAT
-v, --version
Configure git by running the following commands:
git config --global difftool.pandiff.cmd 'pandiff "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"'
git config --global alias.pandiff 'difftool -t pandiff -y'
Now you can use git pandiff
wherever you would usually use git diff
pandiff old.md new.md -s -o diff.html
pandiff old.md new.md -o diff.pdf
pandiff old.md new.md -o diff.docx
pandiff test/track_changes_move.docx
Here is some text.
{++Here is the text to be moved.++}
Here is some more text.
{--Here is the text to be moved.--}