
My vim settings

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

My vim settings (vim-plug and some vim plugins)

Modified from https://github.com/fisadev/fisa-vim-config version 8.2


  1. Check if vim is installed

     which vim

If it shows nothing, install vim via

dnf install vim
apt-get install vim
brew install vim
  1. Check if the vim compiled with python support

     vim --version | grep +python
  2. Your ~/.vim folder should be empty. If it's not the case, you may would like to rename the old one and keep a backup.

  3. Install the requested dependencies (curl, git, Universal Ctags/Exuberant Ctags 5.5)

     dnf install curl git ctags
     apt-get install curl git exuberant-ctags
     brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags
  4. Download the file:


Rename it as .vimrc and place it in your home folder.

  1. To install the vim-plug and plugins, just run


Then the installation will automatically start. After finishing the installation, type :q twice to quit two-panel vim.

[Hot keys]


\ + cc Comment out the current line or text selected in visual mode.

\ + cu Uncomments the selected line(s).

\ + cy Copy the selected line(s) first then execute \ + cc

scrooloose/nerdtree F3

majutsushi/tagbar F4

luochen1990/rainbow F5


At the end of vim_clean, Some lines which have been commented out is related to Powerline.

You need to install Powerline before you uncomment these lines.

Please refer to

