This code can be used for multi-label topic modelling with prior knowledge. It uses Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) as a baseline and implements the following LDA-based models:
- Labeled LDA (Ramage et al, 2009)
- Hierarchical Supervised LDA (Perotte et al, 2011)
- CascadeLDA
The workflow of each model is roughly divided in four parts: Loading and preparing data, train a model, test a model and finally evaluate the predictive quality of the model.
Each model takes a .csv
document as input. Each line must consist of three columns:
Column 1) Document ID
Column 2) One string containing the entire document
Column 3) Labels contained in a single string, separated by a space
See abstracts_data.csv
for an example. Any other structure will not be accepted as input.
To run Labeled LDA, see the below example. Simply replace
to run CascadeLDA, instead.
$ python3 -- help
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE dataset location
-d LVL depth of lab level
-i IT # of iterations
-s THINNING save frequency
-l LOWER lower threshold for dictionary pruning
-u UPPER upper threshold for dictionary pruning
-a ALPHA alpha prior
-b BETA beta prior
-p Save the model as pickle?
So for example:
$ python3 -f "abstracts_data.csv" -d 3 -i 4 -s 4 -l 0 -u 1 -a 0.1 -b 0.01 -p
Stemming documents ....
Starting training...
Running iteration # 1
Running iteration # 2
Running iteration # 3
Running iteration # 4
Testing test data, this may take a while...
Saved the model and predictions as pickles!
Model: Labeled LDA
Corpus: Abstracts
Label depth 3
# of Gibbs samples: 4
AUC ROC: 0.696858414365
one error: 0.47198275862068967
two error: 0.5862068965517241
F1 score (macro average) 0.378575246979
Two datasets were used in the thesis. For copyright reasons, only the abstracts dataset is made available here. It consists of 4.500 labeled academic abstracts from the economics literature. The papers are labeled according to the JEL classification.
A new multi-label document classification technique called CascadeLDA is introduced in this thesis. Rather than focusing on discriminative modelling techniques, CascadeLDA extends a baseline generative model by incorporating two types of prior information. Firstly, knowledge from a labeled training dataset is used to direct the generative model. Secondly, the implicit tree structure of the labels is exploited to emphasise discriminative features between closely related labels. By segregating the classification problem in an ensemble of smaller problems, out-of-sample results are achieved at about 25 times the speed of the baseline model. In this thesis, CascadeLDA is performed on datasets with academic abstracts and full academic papers. The model is employed to assist authors in tagging their newly published articles.
A formal and detailed coverage of baseline LDA, L-LDA, HSLDA and CascadeLDA can be found in thesis_kenhbs.pdf
. The paper also gives an indepth explanation and derivation of Gibbs sampling and variational inference in the LDA setting.
In order to solve the classification problem of academic papers, the main extensions to LDA can be summarised in the following categories:
- Instead of latent topics, we need the topics to correspond exactly to the JEL code descriptions (i.e. explicit topic modelling).
- Incorporating prior knowledge on document-topic assignment (i.e. we have a training dataset)
- Many labels are very closely related and barely distinguishable. Even though topic-word distributions are accurate, they are nearly identical and do not allow for discrimination.
The code and thesis are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE)