
A bioinformatic analysis pipeline for bulk RNA-seq

Primary LanguageR


A bioinformatic analysis pipeline for bulk RNA-seq

** Our approach refers to a Nature Protocol published in 2012 by Cole Trapnell et. al. **

  1. Merge
  • Files:
    • merge.sh
    • merge.qsub
  • Description:
    • These two files are for merging bulk RNA-seq files from different experiments by multiple threads
  1. FastQC
  • Files: fastqc.sh
  • Description:
    • This shell script help us understand the sequencing qualities of each samples and generate well-organized visualization of qualities
  1. TopHat
  • Files: tophat_mapping_y.sh and tophat_mapping_y.qsub
  • Description:
    • These files utilize parallel computation to execute TopHat program. In this script, it will take UCSC hg 38 annotation file to conduct reads mapping with our RNA-seq fastq files.
  1. Flagstat
  • Files: RNA_flagstat.sh
  • Description:
    • This step help us understand more accurate mapping qualities and percentage for double check
  1. Cufflinks
  • Files:
    • cufflinks_assemble.sh
    • cufflinks_assemble.qsub
  • Description:
    • Assemble transcripts for each sample
  1. Create assemblies.txt
  • Description: Create a files called assemblies.txt that list the assembly files for samples.
  1. CuffMerge
  • Files: cuffmerge_y.sh
  • Description:
    • Use Cuffmerge to run on all assemblies to create a single merged transcriptome annotation
  1. CuffDiff
  • Files:

    • B_cuffdiff.sh
    • CD4_cuffdiff.sh
    • CD8_cuffdiff.sh
    • M_cuffdiff.sh
    • cuffdiff_45hr.sh
  • Description:

    • Run Cuffdiff by using the merged transcriptome assembly along with the BAM files from TopHat for each replicate in various samples
  1. CummeRbund
  • Files:
    • above CuffDiff.R scripts
  • Description:
    • Use CummeRbund to understand differential expression genes