This is a Node JS application that replicates "firmata_test.exe" It allows users control the LaunchPad through a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This enables testing the launchpad's functionality and rapid-prototyping your own application. Here is a demonstration video.
- Supported LaunchPads
- MSP-EXP430F5529LP (LaunchPad)
- MSP-EXP430FR5969 (FraunchPad)
- EK-TM4C123GXL (Tiva C)
- EK-LM4F120XL (Tiva C)
- EK-LM4F1294XL (Connected)
How to setup Firmata on LaunchPad (Windows)
Target Device Side (LaunchPad)
- Install Energia
- Download the [Firmata folder] (
- Put the Firmata folder under "\libraries". For example, "C:\Users<username>\Documents\Energia\libraries\Firmata"
- Run Energia.exe. Go to File->Examples->Firmata->StandardFirmata.
- Then, go to Tools->Board->(your device, ex: F5529)
- Click the Upload button (right arrow) to flash your device
- Once complete, one of your LEDs will flash for a few times. This confirms that Firmata is running properly on the target device.
Node JS Side (PC)
- Install Node JS
- Download Firmata GUI
- Open Command Prompt. Go to <your_dir>/FirmataGUI.
- Run "npm install" to install node modules
- Run "npm start" to start the node server
- Go to your browser at "http://localhost:3000/"
- Select the COM port your LaunchPad is on and click "Connect"
- You should see all the pins populated in your browser and you can control the pins!
- (If you don't see any COM ports, refresh the page. If still doesn't work, stop the Node JS server, reconnect USB, restart the server again with npm start)