
An example of using node, express, backbone, react, require, twitter & wiki apis. It fetchs 10 tweets and pops up a tooltip of wiki search results by selecting keywords.


Actions and handlers drive the process of the runing program. All actions are defined in


Actions Tree:

  |-- initial components
  |-- components ready
  |-- tweets
  |       |-- load tweets
  |       |-- tweets loaded
          |-- load tooltip
          |-- tooltip loaded


The architecture obeys the design of flux:

Views ---> (actions) ----> Dispatcher ---> (registered callback) ---> Stores -------+
Ʌ                                                                                   |
|                                                                                   V
+-- (Controller-Views "change" event handlers) ---- (Stores emit "change" events) --+

Stores communicate APIs with Actions:

(Views "change" event handlers) ...             ... (emit "load" actions) ---> Dispatcher ---> APIs
Ʌ                                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                 V
(Stores emit "change" events) --- (Stores "loaded" event handlers) --- (APIs emit "loaded" actions)

How to Run it

Clone the repo and run the following command, and navigate to http://localhost:3000. Loading tweets is a little bit slow, you can watch the actions log in Chrome Console.

$ node server.js