
This program is only tested with Xcode iPhone 6 simulator.

Technical Stacks

React Native, Redux, Mocha, Enzyme, Node JS, ES6, ES7, Gulp


Node JS v4.3.2 Npm 2.14.12 Xcode 7.2.1 React Native Cli 0.1.10 React Native 0.21.0

Not supporting npm 3

Installation & Building

Please navigate to the root folder of this program. And do

$ npm install --production
$ npm start

It will build the program with the production dependencies only. It is very important to only use production dependencies to build the program at the beginning.


To run the tests, please do

$ npm test

This will automatically install development dependencies and run the tests.


It would be good to run this program in the same environment, please check the environment above.

To run the program with the ISO Simulator, please do

$ npm start

Please use npm start instead of react-native start or react-native run-ios.

There is a chance the simulator loads the program before server is ready. If this happened, please wait for the server to start and reload the simulator by pressing COMMAND + R or CONTROL + R.


If you couldn't launch the application for some reasons. Please do

$ rm -rf node_modules/
$ npm install --production
$ npm start --reset-cache

It will fix most of issues.

Code Organizing

  • /test/specs - unit tests
  • /test/utils - util/helper functions
  • /src/components - react components
  • /src/repositories - repository objects to query api endpoint
  • /src/stores - redux stores
  • /src/domains - domain objects
  • /src/config - config
  • /src/style - styles