Implementation code for our CSVT 2018:
J. Shen, Y. Zhang, Z. Liang,C. Liu, H. Sun, X. Hao, J. Liu, J. Yang and L. Shao, 
Robuststereoscopic crosstalk prediction,  
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1158-1168, 2018
If you use this software for research  purposes, please cite our papers.

This code implements our metrics.

*Please first download the data file from:  
* Unfold the into the folder:   crosstalk\Test_Disparitymap\*.jpg, *.bmp ;
* Unfold the into the folder:   crosstalk\Testing\*.jpg ;

Testing:                         our new dataset.

Test_Disparitymap:         disparity map of our new dataset

data.mat:                        the mean opinion scores of our new dataset

script Extract_new.m:            extract feature from our new dataset

script Extract_metrics:          extract image feature for our new  metrics                      

script nonlinear_regression_CT:   Evaluation our metrics on crosstalk stereoscopic dataset

script nonlinear_regression_new:  Evaluation our metrics our new dataset

script test SVM_new:    We use SVR to predict the crosstalk perception for our new dataset.

If you use this software for research  purposes, please cite our papers [1,2] in your resulting publication.
1) J. Shen, Y. Zhang, Z. Liang,C. Liu, H. Sun, X. Hao, J. Liu, J. Yang and L. Shao, 
Robuststereoscopic crosstalk prediction,  
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1158-1168, 2018
2) J. Peng, J. Shen, and X. Li, High-order energies for stereo segmentation,  
IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics,  vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 1616-1627, 2016 

Contact Information

This code uses some public source codes from internet.
We thank all the authors for the release of their codes.