
Fully featured and ready to use Widget to add Mapwize Indoor Maps and Navigation in your JavaScript app and Website.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mapwize UI

pipeline status GitHub tag (latest by date) npm

Fully featured and ready to use Widget to add Mapwize Indoor Maps and Navigation in your Web app.

And it's open-source !

MapwizeUI version 3.3.3 uses Mapwize SDK version 4.6.1.

For documentation about Mapwize SDK objects like Venue, Place, MapOptions... Please refer to the Mapwize SDK documentation on docs.mapwize.io.


The Mapwize UI widget comes with the following components:

  • Mapwize SDK integration
  • Floor controller
  • Follow user button
  • Search module
  • Direction module
  • Place selection
  • Universes switch
  • Languages switch

Browser support

The SDK is tested against the following browsers:

  • Chrome 62+
  • Firefox 63+
  • Safari 11+
  • iOS Safari 11+
  • Edge 79+

IE 11 is not supported anymore since version 3.0.0



Add the following npm package to your project :

npm install mapwize-ui --save


You use the CDN url directly in your HTML page

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mapwize-ui@3.3.3"></script>

Compile Mapwize UI

  • Clone the Github repository
  • Run npm run dist commands in your terminal
  • Copy the file dist/mapwizeui.js in your project
  • Import mapwizeui.js module in your project


Mapwize UI can be instantiated with one of these constructors:

MapwizeUI.map(apiKey: String)
MapwizeUI.map(options: Object)
MapwizeUI.map(container: String, options: Object)

The map method return a Promise that is resolved when the map and the UI are ready with the mapwizeMap instance as parameter.

MapwizeUI.map(apiKey: String).then(function (instance) {
	mapwizeMap = instance

Map parameters


The HTML element in which Mapbox GL JS will render the map, or the element's string id . The specified element must have no children. This parameter is optionnal, default point to the id: mapwize. The html element need to be correctly formated and need to be sized in css.


In addition to all sdk options, the following parameters are available for map initialization:

  • apiKey (required) key to authorize access to the Mapwize API. Find your key on Mapwize Studio.
  • apiUrl (optional, string, default: null) to change the server URL, if you have a dedicated Mapwize server.
  • container (optional, string|HTMLElement, default: null) same as container param, default is: mapwize
  • shouldShowInformationButtonFor (optional, function, default: function (selected) { return false; }) Callback defining if the information button should be displayed in the card when a place or placelist is selected. The selected place or placelist is provided as parameter. The function must return a boolean. If this is not defined, the information button is never shown by default.
  • onInformationButtonClick (optional, function) Callback called when the user clicks on the information button in the card when a place or placelist is selected. Use shouldShowInformationButtonFor to define if the information button should be displayed or not.
  • onMenuButtonClick (optional, function) callback called when the user clicked on the menu button (left button on the search bar)
  • onSelectedChange (optional, function) callback called when the selected element (place or placeList) changes. The function is called with 2 parameters: the selectedObject and some analytics details. selectedObject is null when nothing is selected anymore. View the analytics section for details about the analytics parameter.
  • locationControl (optional, boolean, default: false) if the user location control should be displayed.
  • mainColor (optional, string, default: null) the main color for the interface as hexadecimal string.
  • direction (optional, { from: string, to: string }, default: null) to display directions at start. Object with keys from and to containing place ids (string).
  • preferredLanguage (optional, string, default: en) the UI language as 2 letter ISO 639-1 code (also used as map default language)
  • unit (optional, string, default: m) the ui measurement unit
  • onDetailsWillBeDisplayed: See Place Details view customization in this document for more information

Parameters usage

Without options Without container parameter With container parameter With container option
html <div id="mapwize"></div> <div id="mapwize"></div> <div id="myMap"></div> <div id="myMap"></div>
js MapwizeUI.map(apiKey) MapwizeUI.map(options) MapwizeUI.map('myMap', options) MapwizeUI.map({ container: 'myMap'})


setLocale(newLocale: string): string

Change the ui locale if param newLocale is provided. Also sets the map preferred language.

Signature: (newLocale: string): string Parameters:

  • newLocale(optional, string, default: null) the new locale to use (needs to be in map.getLocales() array)

Return: the new locale, or the previous one if newLocale is not valid

getLocales(): Array<string>

Get the list of supported locales for the user interface

Signature: (): Array<string> Parameters: there is no param Return: the list of supported locales by the user interface

setUnit(newUnit: string): string

Change the UI measurement unit

Signature: (newUnit: string): string Parameters:

  • newUnit(optional, string, default: null) the new measurement unit to use (needs to be in map.getUnits() array)

Return: the new measurement unit, or the previous one if newUnit is not valid

getUnits(): Array<string>

Get the list of supported measurement units for the user interface

Signature: (): Array<string> Parameters: there is no param Return: the list of supported measurement units by the user interface

setDirectionMode(): void

Enable direction mode for the ui, this shows the two search fields for from and to

Signature: (): void Parameters: there is no param Return: there is no return value

setFrom(from: any): void

Set the from field of direction module

Signature: (from: any): void Parameters:

  • from (required, object) Need to be one of: { objectClass: 'place', mapwize place object }, { objectClass: 'placeList', mapwize placeList object }, { objectClass: 'userPosition' }, { latitude, longitude, floor, venueId }

Return: there is no return value

setTo(to: any): void

Set the to field of direction module

Signature: (to: any): void Parameters:

  • to (required, object) Need to be one of: { objectClass: 'place', mapwize place object }, { objectClass: 'placeList', mapwize placeList object }, { latitude, longitude, floor, venueId }

Return: there is no return value

getDirection(): any

Get the current direction object if any

Signature: (): any Parameters: there is no param Return: the current direction object if any

destroy(): void

Destroy the map and all its components

Signature: (): void Parameters: there is no param Return: there is no return value


Simplest example (open in jsfiddle)

	#mapwize {
		width: 400px;
		height: 400px;
<div id="mapwize"></div>

Center on venue

To have the map centered on a venue at start up:

	#mapwize {
		width: 400px;
		height: 400px;
<div id="mapwize"></div>
var options = {
	centerOnVenueId: 'YOUR_VENUE_ID',
MapwizeUI.map(options).then((map) => {
	console.log('Mapwize map and ui are ready to be used')

Center on place

To have the map centered on a place with the place selected at start up:

	#mapwize {
		width: 400px;
		height: 400px;
<div id="mapwize"></div>
var options = {
	centerOnPlaceId: 'YOUR_PLACE_ID',
MapwizeUI.map(options).then((map) => {
	console.log('Mapwize map and ui are ready to be used')

Demo application

The src/index.html file shows how to quickly add Mapwize UI to an HTML page.

The only thing you need to get started is a Mapwize api key. You can get your key by signing up for a free account at mapwize.io.

Once you have your API key, copy it to index.html in the map options and run the app using

npm run start

Please note that if you are using this index.html outside of a the Webpack environment, you will need to manually import Mapwize UI by adding

<script type="text/javascript" src="./dist/mapwizeui.js"></script>

or using the CDN as explained in the installation section.

Place Details view customization

Mapwize UI has a default interface to display place details when a place is selected. The place title, subtitle, photos, website, phone number, schedule, availability, etc are shown in a bottom view that can be small or extended. On desktop the view will show on the left while on mobile it will be at the bottom or above the map.

This interface can be modified using the onDetailsWillBeDisplayed?: (detailsViewConfig: DetailsViewConfig) => DetailsViewConfig option. This methods is called each time the Mapwize UI SDK is going to display the Place Details View. The detailsViewConfig argument is the default configuration computed by the SDK. The method should return the configuration object as desired and that will be used by the SDK to display the information.


DetailsViewConfig is the object that you get from the onDetailsWillBeDisplayed method and that should be returned by that same method.

type DetailsViewConfig = {
	mwzObject: any // This is the placeDetails object that contains the information that will be displayed
	preventExpand: boolean // If true, the user won't be able to expand the view
	initiallyExpanded: boolean // If true, the view is expanded by default
	title: string // The displayed title
	subtitle: string // The displayed subtitle
	language: string // The language used to generate the information
	expandedViewButtons: DetailsViewButton[] // The list of the buttons displayed in the expanded view
	expandedViewRows: DetailsViewRow[] // The list of rows displayed in the expanded view
	smallViewButtons: DetailsViewButton[] // The list of buttons displayed in the small view


export type DetailsViewButton = {
	type: DetailsViewButtonType // The type of the button. Mainly used to decide if you want to keep it or remove it
	html: HTMLElement // The final HTMLElement displayed for this button


export type DetailsViewRow = {
	type: DetailsViewRowType // The type of the row. Mainly use to decide if you want to keep it or remove it
	informationAvailable: boolean // True if the information is available. If false, the row displays a placeholder (eg: 'Phone numer is not available')
	html: HTMLElement // The final HTMLElement displayed for this row

Button & Row Type

Those types are defined to help developers detect which information is contained in an element. All component in the Configuration generated by the SDK contains a type that is not the custom type. The type custom should be used when adding a custom view.

export type DetailsViewButtonType = 'phone' | 'direction' | 'information' | 'website' | 'share' | 'custom'

export type DetailsViewRowType = 'floor' | 'website' | 'phone' | 'capacity' | 'opening_hours' | 'schedule' | 'custom'

Helper methods

In order to make customization a bit easier, 4 methods are available to build components that follow the MapwizeUI design by default.

// Build a button that looks like the buttons in the small details view
function buildSmallViewButton(imgSrc: string, title: string, outlined: boolean, callback: (target: HTMLElement) => void): HTMLElement
// Build a button that looks like the buttons in the expanded details view
function buildExpandedViewButton(imgSrc: string, title: string, outlined: boolean, callback: (target: HTMLElement) => void): HTMLElement
// Build a single line row with an icon and a title
function buildDefaultRow(title: string, imgSrc: string, infoAvailable: boolean = true): HTMLElement
// Build an expandable row with one line that contains icon and title and a toggle button that expand this view. The expandedContent argument is the HTMLElement displayed when the row is expanded
function buildExpandableRow(title: string, imgSrc: string, expandedContent: HTMLElement): HTMLElement

You are not limited to those methods. You can build your own HTMLElement and display them but you have to handle the view constraints by yourself.


onDetailsWillBeDisplayed: ( detailsViewConfiguration ) => {
	const imageSrc = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Love_Heart_symbol.svg/1200px-Love_Heart_symbol.svg.png'

	// Do not expand the view by default. The view will be displayed in a small state at the beginning
	detailsViewConfiguration.initiallyExpanded = false

	// Adding a custom button to the small view
	const smallButton = {
		html: MapwizeUI.buildSmallViewButton(imageSrc, 'Custom small button', false, () => console.log('the button has been clicked'))

	// Removing all default button in the expanded view and add a custom one
	const bigButton = {
		html: MapwizeUI.buildExpandedViewButton(imageSrc, 'Custom big button', true, () => console.log('the button has been clicked'))
	detailsViewConfiguration.expandedViewButtons = [bigButton]

	// Adding a custom expandable row before all other rows
	const content = document.createElement('div')
	content.style.height = "200px"
	content.style.backgroundColor = "red"
	const row = {
		type: 'custom',
		informationAvailable: true,
		html: MapwizeUI.buildExpandableRow("My custom row", imageSrc, content)
	detailsViewConfiguration.expandedViewRows = [row, ...detailsViewConfiguration.expandedViewRows]

	// Change the title with a custom one
	detailsViewConfiguration.title = "Yes! I am a custom title"

	// Change the subtitle with a custom one
	detailsViewConfiguration.subtitle = "Why am I only a subtitle"

	// Return your updated detailsViewConfiguration
	return detailsViewConfiguration


Mapwize SDK and Mapwize UI do not have analytics trackers built in. This means that Mapwize does not know how maps are used in your applications, which we believe is a good thing for privacy. This also means that Mapwize is not able to provide you with analytics metrics and that, if you want any, you will have to intrument your code with your own analytics tracker.

Events and callbacks from Mapwize SDK and Mapwize UI can be used to detect changes in the interface and trigger tracking events. We believe using the following events would make sense:

  • venueEnter
  • venueExit
  • floorChange
  • universeChange
  • languageChange
  • onSelectedChange
  • directionstart

The onSelectedChange is a Mapwize UI map option, triggered when the selected place or placeList changes. The analytics parameter provides details about the origin of the selection. If the selection comes from the user, analytics is an object. The channel key can be 'click' when a place was clicked on the map, 'search' when the selection is the result of a search or 'mainSearches' when the selection is the result of selecting one of the default element in the search menu. When channel == 'search', searchQuery gives the search string used to find the object the user selected. If the selection comes from the setSelected method, analytics is null.

This example shows how to listen to the events:

	apiKey: apiKey,
	onSelectedChange: function (selectedObject, analytics) {
		console.log('onSelectedChange', selectedObject, analytics)
}).then(function (instance) {
	console.log('MAP LOADED')
	mapwizeMap = instance

	mapwizeMap.on('mapwize:directionstart', function (e) {
		console.log('directionstart', e)
	mapwizeMap.on('mapwize:venueenter', function (e) {
		console.log('venueenter', e)
	mapwizeMap.on('mapwize:floorchange', function (e) {
		console.log('floorchange', e)
	mapwizeMap.on('mapwize:universechange', function (e) {
		console.log('universechange', e)
	mapwizeMap.on('mapwize:languagechange', function (e) {
		console.log('languagechange', e)
	mapwizeMap.on('mapwize:venueexit', function (e) {
		console.log('venueexit', e)


The user inerface can be displayed in different languages using Locales. The locale options as well as the setLocale and getLocales methods decribed above allow you to control the language used.

In the compiled version of Mapwize UI available on NPM, only the locales present in this repository are available.

Would you like to add a language? Don't hesitate to make a pull request and we'll be happy to merge!

If you would like to manage the locales on your own, you'll have to modify the source files and recompile Mapwize UI:

  • Clone the repository
  • Go to the src/locales/ folder
  • Edit the srings for the existing locales in the files like en.locale.ts while keeping the keys unchanged.
  • Add a new locale by adding a file like LOCALE_CODE.locale.ts with a 2 letter locale code. Make sure to copy all keys from another locale.
  • Open the file src/localizor.ts and add you new language in the following function
export const lang_available_locale = (): Locale[] => {
	return [
		{ code: 'en', name: 'English' },
		{ code: 'fr', name: 'Français' },
		{ code: 'de', name: 'Deutsch' },
		{ code: 'nl', name: 'Nederlands' },
		{ code: 'pt', name: 'Português' },
		{ code: 'YOUR_LOCALE_CODE', name: 'YOUR_LOCALE_NAME' },
  • Run npm run dist commands in your terminal
  • Copy the file dist/mapwizeui.js in your project
  • Import mapwizeui.js module in your project