
a golang http request library for humans

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



A golang http request library for humans


  • Light weight
  • Simple
  • Easy play with JSON and XML
  • Easy for debug and logging
  • Easy file uploads and downloads
  • Easy manage cookie
  • Easy set up proxy
  • Easy set timeout
  • Easy customize http client




go get github.com/imroc/req


req implements a friendly API over Go's existing net/http library.

Req and Resp are two most important struct, you can think of Req as a client that initiate HTTP requests, Resp as a information container for the request and response. They all provide simple and convenient APIs that allows you to do a lot of things.

func (r *Req) Post(url string, v ...interface{}) (*Resp, error)

In most cases, only url is required, others are optional, like headers, params, files or body etc.

There is a default Req object, all of its' public methods are wrapped by the req package, so you can also think of req package as a Req object

// use Req object to initiate requests.
r := req.New()

// use req package to initiate reqeust.

You can use req.New() to create lots of *Req as client with independent configuration


Set Header
Set Param
Set Body
Output Format
Get *http.Response
Set Timeout
Set Proxy
Customize Client

header := req.Header{
	"Accept":        "application/json",
	"Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=",
param := req.Param{
	"name": "imroc",
	"cmd":  "add",
// only url is required, others are optional.
r, err = req.Post("http://foo.bar/api", header, param)
if err != nil {
r.ToJSON(&foo)       // response => struct/map
log.Printf("%+v", r) // print info (try it, you may surprise) 

Use req.Header (it is actually a map[string]string)

authHeader := req.Header{
	"Accept":        "application/json",
	"Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=",
req.Get("https://www.baidu.com", authHeader, req.Header{"User-Agent": "V1.1"})

use http.Header

header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
req.Get("https://www.baidu.com", header)

Use req.Param (it is actually a map[string]string)

param := req.Param{
	"id":  "imroc",
	"pwd": "roc",
req.Get("http://foo.bar/api", param) // http://foo.bar/api?id=imroc&pwd=roc
req.Post(url, param)                  // body => id=imroc&pwd=roc

use req.QueryParam force to append params to the url (it is also actually a map[string]string)

req.Post("http://foo.bar/api", req.Param{"name": "roc", "age": "22"}, req.QueryParam{"access_token": "fedledGF9Hg9ehTU"})
POST /api?access_token=fedledGF9Hg9ehTU HTTP/1.1
Host: foo.bar
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Content-Length: 15
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip


Put string, []byte and io.Reader as body directly.

req.Post(url, "id=roc&cmd=query")

Put object as xml or json body (add Content-Type header automatically)

req.Post(url, req.BodyJSON(&foo))
req.Post(url, req.BodyXML(&bar))

Set global variable req.Debug to true, it will print detail infomation for every request.

req.Debug = true
req.Post("http://localhost/test" "hi")


You can use different kind of output format to log the request and response infomation in your log file in defferent scenarios. For example, use %+v output format in the development phase, it allows you to observe the details. Use %v or %-v output format in production phase, just log the information necessarily.

%+v or %+s

Output in detail

r, _ := req.Post(url, header, param)
log.Printf("%+v", r) // output the same format as Debug is enabled

%v or %s

Output in simple way (default format)

r, _ := req.Get(url, param)
log.Printf("%v\n", r) // GET http://foo.bar/api?name=roc&cmd=add {"code":"0","msg":"success"}
log.Prinln(r)         // smae as above

%-v or %-s

Output in simple way and keep all in one line (request body or response body may have multiple lines, this format will replace "\r" or "\n" with " ", it's useful when doing some search in your log file)


You can call SetFlags to control the output content, decide which pieces can be output.

const (
	LreqHead  = 1 << iota // output request head (request line and request header)
	LreqBody              // output request body
	LrespHead             // output response head (response line and response header)
	LrespBody             // output response body
	Lcost                 // output time costed by the request
	LstdFlags = LreqHead | LreqBody | LrespHead | LrespBody
req.SetFlags(req.LreqHead | req.LreqBody | req.LrespHead)

Monitoring time consuming

req.SetFlags(req.LstdFlags | req.Lcost) // output format add time costed by request
r,_ := req.Get(url)
log.Println(r) // http://foo.bar/api 3.260802ms {"code":0 "msg":"success"}
if r.Cost() > 3 * time.Second { // check cost
	log.Println("WARN: slow request:", r)
r, _ := req.Get(url)
r, _ = req.Post(url, req.BodyXML(&bar))
// func (r *Req) Response() *http.Response
r, _ := req.Get(url)
resp := r.Response()

Use req.File to match files

req.Post(url, req.File("imroc.png"), req.File("/Users/roc/Pictures/*.png"))

Use req.FileUpload to fully control

file, _ := os.Open("imroc.png")
req.Post(url, req.FileUpload{
	File:      file,
	FieldName: "file",       // FieldName is form field name
	FileName:  "avatar.png", //Filename is the name of the file that you wish to upload. We use this to guess the mimetype as well as pass it onto the server
r, _ := req.Get(url)

By default, the underlying *http.Client will manage your cookie(send cookie header to server automatically if server has set a cookie for you), you can disable it by calling this function :


and you can set cookie in request just using *http.Cookie

cookie := new(http.Cookie)
// ......
req.Get(url, cookie)
req.SetTimeout(50 * time.Second)

By default, req use proxy from system environment if http_proxy or https_proxy is specified, you can set a custom proxy or disable it by set nil

req.SetProxy(func(r *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) {
	if strings.Contains(r.URL.Hostname(), "google") {
		return url.Parse("http://my.vpn.com:23456")
	return nil, nil

Set a simple proxy (use fixed proxy url for every request)


Use SetClient to change the default underlying *http.Client


Specify independent http client for some requests

client := &http.Client{Timeout: 30 * time.Second}
req.Get(url, client)

Change some properties of default client you want

req.Client().Jar, _ = cookiejar.New(nil)
trans, _ := req.Client().Transport.(*http.Transport)
trans.MaxIdleConns = 20
trans.TLSHandshakeTimeout = 20 * time.Second
trans.DisableKeepAlives = true
trans.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}