
  • install pytorch, torchvision etc. and mmcv-full from their official site.
  • install required packages with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • install this project with pip install -e .

For the versions of packages, you can check freeze.yml.


This project base on the CLI of pytorch-lightning, you can get more information on here.

Config and config files

Predefined config files

The predefined config files are located at configs/.

Every config file under configs/runs is a complete config file, so you can run an experiment with just a config file from configs/runs. But every other config file is just a part of complete config file, you should use them by combining them with each other or write a complete config file under configs/runs using __base__ to inherit from them.


The syntax of config file is yaml and some additional keyword described as follow.

keyword value effect
__base__ str or list[str],(each str should be a relative path from current cofig file) Merge every config one by one, current last.
__delete__ True or str,int or list[str,int],True for delete all keys from other config, str,int only delete the specific key (for dict) or index (for list) Delete some part of config from other.
__import__ Any Just delete this, for convenience of reference in yaml
change_item list[[index, item]],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, change the list[index] from other to item
insert_item list[[index, item, (extend)]],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, insert iterm to the list at index, extend=True if insert a list of items
pre_item Anyor list[Any],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, add the value in the start of the list from other to item
post_item Anyor list[Any],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, add the value in the end of the list from other to item


CLI script is located at tools/, so you can run it with python tools/

For commands and options, you can get all available options and commands from python tools/ --help.


You can start a experiment with command as follow, in which, gpu_ids is comma-separated id list or just one int.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu_ids> python tools/ fit --config configs/runs/path/to/config

Validation test and predict etc.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu_ids> python tools/ {validation, test, predict, tune} --config configs/runs/path/to/config


See configs/runs/image_classifier/. You can run them with python tools/ fit --config configs/runs/image_classifier/path/to/config.