
Build SqlCipher as a Qt 5 plugin

Primary LanguageC++

SqlCipher for Qt 5

This repository provides the necessary build scripts and boilerplate to build SqlCipher as a SQL driver for Qt 5. I found a few websites describing how to do this for Qt 4, but everything I read required a lot of manual messing around, and some things are different for Qt 5 anyway.

This has been tested on Mac OS X (10.7) and I think it should work on most *nix systems. Patches are welcome if you get it working on Windows.


Clone this repository with:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/sijk/qt5-sqlcipher.git

WARNING: This will download over 300 MB of code!

This will clone the sqlcipher and qtbase repositories as submodules. The qtbase repo is pretty huge, so if you already have the Qt source on your machine you might want to skip the --recursive flag, initialize the sqlcipher submodule yourself, and read the configuration section below.


You can edit the flags that will be used to configure SqlCipher at the top of qsqlcipher.pro if you need to.

If you want to point the build script to an existing Qt source directory, you need to create a file called .qmake.conf in the root of your working copy and add the line QT_SRCDIR=/path/to/qtbase.


mkdir build
cd build
qmake ..
ls plugins/sqldrivers
ls lib

The build script has been set up to not put the resulting driver in your system-wide Qt plugins directory.


Make sure that libqsqlcipher.[dylib|so] is in your application's plugin search path and that libsqlcipher.[dylib|so] is in your library search path. Then using sqlcipher from your code is as easy as:

QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLCIPHER");

I suggest creating a little test database with both "QSQLITE" and "QSQLCIPHER" drivers and looking at them both in a hex editor.