This script is a wrapper around curl, a popular command line http client, that will calculate the authentication parameters for the request. To start, edit the file named aksk. This file will contain your AWS Access Key Id and AWS Secret Access Key pairs. For example: %awsSecretAccessKeys = ( # personal account personal => { id => '1ME55KNV6SBTR7EXG0R2', key => 'zyMrlZUKeG9UcYpwzlPko/+Ciu0K2co0duRM3fhi', }, # corporate account company => { id => '1ATXQ3HHA59CYF1CVS02', key => 'WQY4SrSS95pJUT95V6zWea01gBKBCL6PI0cdxeH8', }, ); After saving the aksk file, you can try the following commands using s3curl To get an object, you would run: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --[bucket-name]/[key-name] If you just want to see the object's metadata, run: ./ --id=[friendly=name] --head --[bucket-name]/[key-name] The arguments after the '--' are passed through to curl, so you could put any curl specific options there, and then the url you are trying to get. To put an object, run: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --put=<file-name> --[bucket-name]/[key-name] To delete an object: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --delete --[bucket-name]/[key-name] To copy an object: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --copy=[source-bucket-name/source-key-name] --[bucket-name]/[key-name] To list a bucket: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --[bucket-name] To create a bucket: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --createBucket --[bucket-name] To create a bucket with a location constraint EU: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --createBucket=EU --[bucket-name] To delete a bucket: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --delete --[bucket-name] To enable versioning for a bucket: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --put ~/versioningEnable --[bucket-name]?versioning where, contents of ~/versioningEnable is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <VersioningConfiguration xmlns=""> <Status>Enabled</Status> </VersioningConfiguration> Doing a GET for an object on a bucket where versioning is enabled, returns the latest version. ./ --id=[friendly-name] --[bucket-name]/[key-name] -v [Look for x-amz-version-id in the response] To get a specific version of an object: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --[bucket-name]/[key-name]?versionId=[version-id] To get a ACL for a specific version of an object: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --[bucket-name]/[key-name]?versionId=[version-id]&acl To copy a specific version of an object: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --copy=[source-bucket-name/source-key-name?versionId=[version-id]] --[bucket-name]/[key-name] To list all the versions in a bucket: ./ --id=[friendly-name] --[bucket-name]?versions SECURITY CONSIDERATION: On a shared system, it is dangerous to specify your AWS Secret Access Key on the command line, as any other user on the machine can view your command line. Therefore we strongly advocate the use of .s3curl file to store and manage your keys. This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates with respect to your use of this software code. (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates.