Team number:XIL-23991
Project name:High speed DAQ system with EDA and EKG extension
Version of uploaded archive:1

University name: Politehnica University of Bucharest and Technical University Gheorghe Asachi Iasi
Supervisor name: Vlad - Mihai PLACINTA
Participant 1: Vlad Niculescu

Participant 2: Ovidiu Emanuel Hutanu

Board used: Nexys 4 DDR
Vivado Version (preferably 2015.4): 2016.1
Brief description of project:
This project, Custom High Speed DAQ with FPGA, integrates 3 different features in a single system: an oscilloscope
 with FFT capabilities and a maximum sampling rate of 100 MSPS, a heart rate measurement module 
(based on plethysmograph method) and a galvanic skin response (GSR) module.

Description of archive (explain directory structure, documents and source files):
the folders verilog and vhdl contain the file modules extracted from the project
hw-contains the bit file
sw contains the LabView GUI
doc- contains the documentation for the project
Electronic boards design- contains the Altium Designer PCB files for the boards.
Instructions to build and test project
Step 1:
In order to reproduce the project, you should upload the bitfile in the Nexys 4 Board
Step 2:
Next, you have to reproduce the PCB boards, and to connect them to the Nexys board
Step 3:
Open the GUI, and connect the board to PC.

Link to YouTube Video(s):