
A ELO Icinga client

Primary LanguageC#


A ELO 9 Icinga client written in C# without any unit tests.

Non Nuget Dependencies

  • EloIxClientCs.dll Version: (ELO9 ready - Credits to ELO Digital Office)
  • pcmIxClient7.dll Version: (ELO9 ready - Credits to the person whoever wrote it)

How to use

You need a config file to use check_elo. The config file is needs to have the same name as the check_elo executable. Below you find the content of a sample config file:

    "Elo": {
        "HostName": "eloserver1",
        "ArchiveName": "archive",
        "Port": "9080",
        "Username": "elouser",
        "Password": "",
        "ArchiveFilePath": "\\",
        "FullTextPath": "D:\\"
    "Database": {
        "HostName": "dbserver1",
        "Username": "user",
        "Password": ""
    "Tomcat": {
        "Username": "TomcatAdmin",
        "Password": ""

Logging and Error Handling

There is rudimentary logging and error handling in this project. If you provide a log4net.config file the application will logs errors which are thrown by the application. Fun fact: If you provide a log4net.config file the 3rdParty library pcmIxClient7 also starts logging.


  • Add something something to make VisualStudio able to open the solution (Solution created by JetBrains Rider 2020.1.1)
  • Improve Logging and Error Handling
  • Write Tests for the application...
  • try to upgrade the application for ELO12