

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This tool is modified from convert-units, adding the following functions:

  • Solve the problem of floating-point precision after unit conversion
  • More types of units
  • Add 中文文档

A handy utility for converting between quantities in different units.


npm install units-convert --save


units-convert has a simple chained API that is easy to read.

Here's how you move between the metric units for volume:

var convert = require('units-convert')

// 1000

Jump from imperial to metric units the same way:

// 0.4536... (tested to 4 significant figures)

Just be careful not to ask for an impossible conversion:

// throws -- you can't go from mass to volume!

You can ask units-convert to select the best unit for you. You can also optionally explicitly exclude orders of magnitude or specify a cut off number for selecting the best representation.

// 12 Meters (the smallest unit with a value above 1)

convert(12000).from('mm').toBest({ exclude: ['m'] })
// 1200 Centimeters (the smallest unit excluding meters)

convert(900).from('mm').toBest({ cutOffNumber: 10 });
// 900 Centimeters (the smallest unit with a value equal to or above 10)

convert(1000).from('mm').toBest({ cutOffNumber: 10 })
// 10 Meters (the smallest unit with a value equal to or above 10)

You can get a list of the measurement types supported with .measures

// [ 'length', 'mass', 'volume' ]

If you ever want to know the possible conversions for a unit, just use .possibilities

// [ 'ml', 'l', 'tsp', 'Tbs', 'fl-oz', 'cup', 'pnt', 'qt', 'gal' ]

// [ 'mcg', 'mg', 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb' ]

You can also get the possible conversions for a measure:

// [ 'mcg', 'mg', 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb', 'mt', 't' ]

You can also get the all the available units:

// [ 'mm', 'cm', 'm', 'in', 'ft-us', 'ft', 'mi', 'mcg', 'mg', 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb', 'mt', 't', 'ml', 'l', 'tsp', 'Tbs', 'fl-oz', 'cup', 'pnt', 'qt', 'gal', 'ea', 'dz' ];

To get a detailed description of a unit, use describe

    abbr: 'kg',
    measure: 'mass',
    system: 'metric',
    singular: 'Kilogram',
    plural: 'Kilograms',

To get detailed descriptions of all units, use list.

    abbr: 'kg',
    measure: 'mass',
    system: 'metric',
    singular: 'Kilogram',
    plural: 'Kilograms',
  }, ...]

You can also get detailed descriptions of all units for a measure:

    abbr: 'kg',
    measure: 'mass',
    system: 'metric',
    singular: 'Kilogram',
    plural: 'Kilograms',
  }, ...]

Supported Units

  • nm: nanometer
  • μm: micrometer
  • mm: millimeter
  • cm: centimeter
  • m: meter
  • km: kilometer
  • in: inch
  • yd: yard
  • ft-us: U.S. survey foot
  • ft: foot
  • fathom: fathom
  • mi: mile
  • nMi: nautical mile
  • mm2: square millimeter
  • cm2: square centimeter
  • m2: square meter
  • ha: hectare
  • km2: square kilometer
  • in2: square inch
  • ft2: square foot
  • ac: acre
  • mi2: square mile
  • mcg: microgram
  • mg: milligram
  • g: gram
  • kg: kilogram
  • oz: ounce
  • lb: pound
  • mt: metric ton
  • t: ton
  • mm3: cubic millimeter
  • cm3: cubic centimeter
  • ml: milliliter
  • l: liter
  • kl: kiloliter
  • Ml: megaliter
  • Gl: gigaliter
  • m3: cubic meter
  • km3: cubic kilometer
  • tsp: teaspoon
  • Tbs: tablespoon
  • in3: cubic inch
  • fl-oz: fluid ounce
  • cup: cup
  • pnt: pint
  • qt: quart
  • gal: gallon
  • ft3: cubic foot
  • yd3: cubic yard
Volume Flow Rate
  • mm3/s: cubic millimeter per second
  • cm3/s: cubic centimeter per second
  • ml/s: milliliter per second
  • cl/s: centiliter per second
  • dl/s: deciliter per second
  • l/s: liter per second
  • l/min: liter per minute
  • l/h: liter per hour
  • kl/s: kiloliter per second
  • kl/min: kiloliter per minute
  • kl/h: kiloliter per hour
  • m3/s: cubic meter per second
  • m3/min: cubic meter per minute
  • m3/h: cubic meter per hour
  • km3/s: cubic kilometer per second
  • tsp/s: teaspoon per second
  • Tbs/s: tablespoon per second
  • in3/s: cubic inch per second
  • in3/min: cubic inch per minute
  • in3/h: cubic inch per hour
  • fl-oz/s: fluid ounce per second
  • fl-oz/min: fluid ounce per minute
  • fl-oz/h: fluid ounce per hour
  • cup/s: cup per second
  • pnt/s: pint per second
  • pnt/min: pint per minute
  • pnt/h: pint per hour
  • qt/s: quart per second
  • gal/s: gallon per second
  • gal/min: gallon per minute
  • gal/h: gallon per hour
  • ft3/s: cubic foot per second
  • ft3/min: cubic foot per minute
  • ft3/h: cubic foot per hour
  • yd3/s: cubic yard per second
  • yd3/min: cubic yard per minute
  • yd3/h: cubic yard per hour
  • C: Celsius
  • F: Fahrenheit
  • K: Kelvin
  • R: Rankine
  • ns: nanosecond
  • μs: microsecond
  • ms: millisecond
  • s: second
  • min: minute
  • h: hour
  • d: day
  • week: week
  • month: month
  • year: year
  • Hz: hertz
  • mHz: millihertz
  • kHz: kilohertz
  • MHz: megahertz
  • GHz: gigahertz
  • THz: terahertz
  • rpm: revolutions per minute
  • deg/s: degrees per second
  • rad/s: radians per second
  • m/s: meters per second
  • km/h: kilometers per hour
  • mph: miles per hour
  • knot: knots
  • ft/s: feet per second
  • in/h: inches per hour
  • mm/h: millimeters per hour
  • s/m: seconds per meter
  • min/km: minutes per kilometer
  • s/ft: seconds per foot
  • min/mi: minutes per mile
  • Pa: Pascal
  • hPa: hectopascal
  • kPa: kilopascal
  • MPa: megapascal
  • bar: bar
  • torr: torr
  • mH2O: meter of water column
  • mmHg: millimeters of mercury
  • psi: pound per square inch
  • ksi: kilo pound per square inch
  • b: bit
  • Kb: kilobit
  • Mb: megabit
  • Gb: gigabit
  • Tb: terabit
  • B: byte
  • KB: kilobyte
  • MB: megabyte
  • GB: gigabyte
  • TB: terabyte
  • lx: lux
  • ft-cd: foot-candle
  • ppm: parts per million
  • ppb: parts per billion
  • ppt: parts per trillion
  • ppq: parts per quadrillion
  • V: Volt
  • mV: millivolt
  • kV: kilovolt
  • A: Ampere
  • mA: milliampere
  • kA: kiloampere
  • W: Watt
  • mW: milliwatt
  • kW: kilowatt
  • MW: megawatt
  • GW: gigawatt
  • PS: petawatt
  • Btu/s: British thermal unit per second
  • ft-lb/s: foot-pound per second
  • hp: horsepower
Apparent Power
  • VA: volt-ampere
  • mVA: millivolt-ampere
  • kVA: kilovolt-ampere
  • MVA: megavolt-ampere
  • GVA: gigavolt-ampere
Reactive Power
  • VAR: volt-ampere reactive
  • mVAR: millivolt-ampere reactive
  • kVAR: kilovolt-ampere reactive
  • MVAR: megavolt-ampere reactive
  • GVAR: gigavolt-ampere reactive
  • Ws: watt-second
  • Wh: watt-hour
  • mWh: milliwatt-hour
  • kWh: kilowatt-hour
  • MWh: megawatt-hour
  • GWh: gigawatt-hour
  • J: joule
  • kJ: kilojoule
  • MJ: megajoule
  • GJ: gigajoule
Reactive Energy
  • VARh: volt-ampere reactive hour
  • mVARh: millivolt-ampere reactive hour
  • kVARh: kilovolt-ampere reactive hour
  • MVARh: megavolt-ampere reactive hour
  • GVARh: gigavolt-ampere reactive hour
  • deg: degree
  • rad: radian
  • grad: gradian
  • arcmin: arcminute
  • arcsec: arcsecond
  • c: coulomb
  • mC: milliampere
  • μC: microcoulomb
  • nC: nanocoulomb
  • pC: picocoulomb
  • N: Newton
  • kN: kilonewton
  • lbf: pound-force
  • g (g-force): acceleration due to gravity
  • m/s2: standard acceleration
  • pcs: pieces
  • bk-doz: baker's dozen
  • cp: cents
  • doz-doz: dozen dozen
  • doz: dozen
  • gr-gr: gross gross
  • gros: gross
  • half-dozen: half a dozen
  • long-hundred: long hundred
  • ream: ream
  • scores: scores
  • sm-gr: small gross
  • trio: trio