Exploring Class-incremental Learning Using Incremental Architecture Search

Primary LanguagePython

Exploring Class-incremental Learning Using Incremental Architecture Search

Link to paper: https://marcpickett.com/cl2018/CL-2018_paper_34.pdf

To run the experiments:

To replicate the MNIST experiment in the paper:

python -u runMLP_SAS.py |& tee output.txt

To run MNIST experiment with a fixed architecture:

python -u fixed_architecture.py |& tee output.txt

To replicate the incremental experiment of Fashion-MNIST and MNIST in the paper

python -u run_Incremental_SAS.py |& tee output.txt

Note that both experiments utilizes around 8 CPUs and might take long to run. output.txt reports the validation accuracy per epoch as well as the test accuracies of each class once training is finished


Python 3.6.4

Keras 2.2.0

Tensorflow 1.8.0 (cpu version)

numpy 1.14.5

pathos 0.2.1