rf_pipelines: A plugin-based framework for processing channelized intensity data in radio astronomy.
For a high-level overview, here are some slides from CHIME telecons:
June 20 proposal: [ docs/16-06-20-rf_pipelines_proposal.pdf ] ( docs/16-06-20-rf_pipelines_proposal.pdf )
July 5 update: [ docs/16-07-05-rf_pipelines_update.pdf ] ( docs/16-07-05-rf_pipelines_update.pdf )
A gcc which is recent enough that C++11 is supported.
I know that gcc 4.8.1 works, and that 4.4.7 is too old. -
libhdf5 (https://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/release/obtain5.html) Note that this is a link to HDF5 v1.8. I imagine v1.10 also works but haven't tested it yet.
Optional but recommended: The 'PIL' python imaging library (you can test whether you have it with 'import PIL' from python). If you need to install it, I recommend the 'Pillow' variant (pip install Pillow)
Optional: simpulse (https://github.com/kmsmith137/simpulse) You'll need this if you want to inject simulated FRB's. Note that simpulse requires cython and fftw3 (see its README).
Optional: bonsai (https://github.com/CHIMEFRB/bonsai) This is an incremental incoherent dedisperser. Note that bonsai v3 or later is required! Note that bonsai requires a very recent cython (see its README).
Optional: ch_frb_io (https://github.com/CHIMEFRB/ch_frb_io) You'll need this if you want to analyze CHIME data.
Note: ch_frb_io is really two libraries, a python library and a C++ library, and you only need the C++ part (see installation instructions in the ch_frb_io README).
Optional: psrfits_utils (https://github.com/scottransom/psrfits_utils) You'll need this if you want to analyze data in PSRFITS format (e.g. gbncc).
Note: if psrfits_utils installation fails due to autoconf warnings which don't look serious, it may help to edit configure.ac and remove the "-Werror" in the line AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign])
Create a file ./Makefile.local containing compiler flags, library locations, etc. The format is defined in Makefile, but it will probably be easiest to copy one of the examples in site/ and customize. For each of the optional dependencies above, there is a y/n flag in Makefile.local to indicate whether you have it.
make all install
For some quick unit tests, do ./run-unit-tests
This code is best "documented by example", so defintely start by checking out the following:
[examples/example1_toy] (examples/example1_toy): Illustrates basic interface + writing a new transform in python
[examples/example2_gbncc] (examples/example2_gbncc): Detrend and dedisperse GBNCC data
[examples/example3_chime] (examples/example3_chime): Detrend and dedisperse CHIME pathfinder data
[examples/example4_cpp_toy] (examples/example4_cpp_toy): Illustrates running rf_pipelines through its C++ interface
If you want to run rf_pipelines from python, I recommend browsing python docstrings next. Some useful docstrings:
rf_pipelines [ 'help(rf_pipelines)' from python interpreter. ] rf_pipelines.py_wi_transform [ 'help(rf_pipelines.py_wi_transform)' ] + docstrings for stream/transform objects, e.g. rf_pipelines.chime_stream_from_acqdir or rf_pipelines.plotter_transform
If you want to write a new stream in C++, I recommend reading comments in rf_pipelines.hpp, especially the comments in 'class wi_stream' and 'class wi_run_state'.
Here are some to do items which anyone could work on:
More detrenders and RFI-removing filters is a huge priority!
In particular a detrender which correctly handles the CHIME switched noise source.
The plotting_transform is currently very primitive and could use improvement.
Same goes for the 'bonsai-plot-triggers' script.
In addition to 'bonsai-plot-triggers', it would be great to have more postprocessing scripts for the triggers.hdf5 file which bonsai outputs.
A transform which allows the bonsai code to be run through its new python interface (in case you want to write a trigger postprocessing callback in python)
I plan to get back to these in a few weeks:
Currently implemented low-level buffer scheme is a little suboptimal and copies data more than necessary
The under-the-hood python-wrapping is a mess, making difficult to export a new stream or transform written in C++ to python.
C++ interface needs documentation and examples.
Currently it's not possible to write streams in python.
Multithreaded interface?