
System requirements

  • zabbix >= 3.4 (preprocessing used by this template)
  • zookeeper >= 3.4 (mntr stats)
  • netcat


  • ruok check

  • mntr stats :

    • zk_num_alive_connections
    • zk_approximate_data_size
    • zk_ephemerals_count
    • zk_min_latency
    • zk_avg_latency
    • zk_max_latency
    • zk_max_file_descriptor_count
    • zk_open_file_descriptor_count
    • zk_outstanding_requests
    • zk_packets_received
    • zk_packets_sent
    • zk_server_state
    • zk_version
    • zk_znode_count
  • graphs

  • screen

Zabbix Macros

  • {$ZOO_IP} : IP of the Zookeeper Instance (default :
  • {$ZOO_PORT} : Port of the Zookeeper Instance (default : 2181)

Zabbix Configuration

  1. Copy UserParameter_Zookeeper.conf to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d folder (or whatever is default and/or configured on your system).

  2. Restart your Zabbix Agent

  3. Import XML template file (zookeeper.xml) into Zabbix via Web GUI (Configuration -> Templates -> Import).

  4. Assign the imported template to a host, change MACROS if needed in the host parameters and enjoy!