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EVCC is an extensible EV Charge Controller with PV integration implemented in Go. Featured in PV magazine.


  • simple and clean user interface
  • multiple chargers:
    • Open source: openWB, EVSEWifi (includes smartWB)
    • Other commercial: ABL eMH1, go-eCharger, Heidelberg Energy Control, KEBA/BMW, NRGkick, Wallbe, Mobile Charger Connect, EEBUS (experimental)
    • Build-your-own: Phoenix (includes ESL Walli), SimpleEVSE
    • Smart-Home outlets: FritzDECT, Shelly, Tasmota, TP-Link
  • multiple meters: ModBus (Eastron SDM, MPM3PM, SBC ALE3 and many more), Discovergy (using HTTP plugin), SMA Sunny Home Manager and Energy Meter, KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter (KSEM, EMxx), any Sunspec-compatible inverter or home battery devices (Fronius, SMA, SolarEdge, KOSTAL, STECA, E3DC, ...), Tesla PowerWall, LG ESS HOME
  • wide support of vendor-specific vehicles interfaces (remote charge, battery and preconditioning status): Audi, BMW, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Mini, Nissan, Niu, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Tesla, Volkswagen, Volvo, Tronity
  • plugins for integrating with any charger/ meter/ vehicle: Modbus (meters and grid inverters), HTTP, MQTT, Javascript, WebSockets and shell scripts
  • status notifications using Telegram, PushOver and many more
  • logging using InfluxDB and Grafana
  • granular charge power control down to mA steps with supported chargers (labeled by e.g. smartWB als OLC)
  • REST and MQTT APIs for integration with home automation systems (e.g. HomeAssistant)



Getting started

  1. Install EVCC. For details see installation.

  2. Copy the default configuration file evcc.dist.yaml to evcc.yaml and open for editing. We recommend to use an editor like VS Code with the YAML extension for syntax highlighting.

  3. To create a minimal setup you need a meter (either grid meter or pv generation meter) and a supported charger. Many PV inverters contain meters that can be used here.

  4. Configure both meter(s) and charger by:

    • choosing the appropriate type
    • add a name attribute than can later be referred to
    • add configuration details depending on type

    See evcc.dist.yaml for examples.

  5. Configure an optional vehicle by choosing the appropriate type and adding a name attribute than can later be referred to.

  6. Test your meter, charger and optional vehicle configuration by running

    evcc meter|charger|vehicle
  7. Configure the site and assign the grid- or PV meter using the defined name attributes.

  8. Configure a loadpoint and assign the charge meter, charger and vehicle using the defined name attributes.

  9. Provide optional configuration for MQTT, push messaging, database logging and more.


EVCC is provided as binary executable file and Docker image. Download the file for your platform and then execute like this:

evcc -h

Use the following systemd unit description to configure EVCC as service (put into /etc/systemd/system/evcc.service):

After=syslog.target network-online.target
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/evcc --log error

EVCC can also be run using Docker. Here's and example with given config file and UI on port 7070:

docker run -v $(pwd)/evcc.dist.yaml:/etc/evcc.yaml -p 7070:7070 andig/evcc -h

Note: don't mount /etc as volume as this will effectively remove the entire folder from the container and will lead to hard to diagnose errors.

If using Docker with a meter or charger that requires UDP like KEBA, make sure that the Docker container can receive UDP messages on the relevant ports (:7090 for KEBA):

docker run -p 7070:7070 -p 7090:7090/udp andig/evcc ...

When using Docker with a device that requires multicast UDP like SMA, make sure that the Docker container uses the network_mode: host configuration:

docker run --network host andig/evcc ...

For use with SMA Sunny Home Manager, evcc needs to generate a unique device id. On Linux, we're using machine-id for this purpose, make sure to mount the host folders into the container:

docker run -v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v /var/lib/dbus/machine-id:/var/lib/dbus/machine-id andig/evcc ...

To build EVCC from source, Go 1.16 is required:


Note: EVCC comes without any guarantee. You are using this software entirely at your own risk. It is your responsibility to verify it is working as intended. EVCC requires a supported charger and a combination of grid, PV and charge meter. All components must be installed by a certified professional.


The EVCC consists of five basic elements: Site and Loadpoints describe the infrastructure and combine Chargers, Meters and Vehicles.


A site describes the grid connection and is responsible for managing the available power. A minimal site configuration requires a grid meter for managing EVU demand and optionally a PV or battery meter.

- title: Zuhause # display name for UI
    grid: sdm630 # grid meter reference
    pv: sma # pv meter reference


Loadpoints combine meters, charger and vehicle together and add optional configuration. A minimal loadpoint configuration requires a charger and optionally a separate charge meter. If charger has an integrated meter it will automatically be used:

- title: Garage # display name for UI
  charger: wallbe # charger reference
  vehicle: audi # vehicle reference
    charge: sdm630 # grid meter reference

More options are documented in the evcc.dist.yaml sample configuration.

Charge modes

The default charge mode upon start of EVCC is configured on the loadpoint. Multiple charge modes are supported:

  • Off: disable the charger, even if car gets connected.
  • Now (Sofortladen): charge immediately with maximum allowed current.
  • Min + PV: charge immediately with minimum configured current. Additionally use PV if available.
  • PV: use PV as available. May not charge at all or may interrupt charging if PV production is too low or other consuption is too high.

In general, due to the minimum value of 5% for signalling the EV duty cycle, the charger cannot limit the current to below 6A. If the available power calculation demands a limit less than 6A, handling depends on the charge mode. In PV mode, the charger will be disabled until available PV power supports charging with at least 6A. In Min + PV mode, charging will continue at minimum current of 6A and charge current will be raised as PV power becomes available again. Min + PV mode may behave different, when used with HEMS (SHM). Please note that not all vehicles support charging with very low current limits at all or only under special circumstances. For these type of vehicles the minimum allowed charge current needs to be raised.


Charger is responsible for handling EV state and adjusting charge current. Available charger implementations are:

  • abl: ABL eMH1 (requires Modbus adapter; sponsors only)
  • easee: Easee Home charger (sponsors only)
  • eebus: EEBUS compatible chargers (experimental)
  • evsewifi: chargers with SimpleEVSE controllers using EVSE-WiFi (includes smartWB)
  • go-e: go-eCharger chargers (both local and cloud API are supported, at least firmware 040.0 required)
  • heidelberg: Heidelberg Energy Control (requires Modbus adapter; sponsors only)
  • keba: KEBA KeContact P20/P30 and BMW chargers (see Preparation)
  • mcc: Mobile Charger Connect devices (Audi, Bentley, Porsche)
  • nrgkick-bluetooth: NRGkick chargers with Bluetooth connector (Linux only, not supported on Docker)
  • nrgkick-connect: NRGkick chargers with additional NRGkick Connect module
  • openWB: openWB chargers using openWB's MQTT interface (set phases: true to indicate if openWB is equipped with 1p3p capability- currently this cannot be auto detected)
  • phoenix-em-eth: chargers with Phoenix EM-CP-PP-ETH controllers
  • phoenix-ev-eth: chargers with Phoenix EV-CC-***-ETH controllers (see Preparation)
  • phoenix-ev-ser: chargers with Phoenix EV-CC-***-SER serial controllers (Modbus RTU)
  • simpleevse: chargers with SimpleEVSE controllers connected via ModBus (e.g. OpenWB Wallbox, Easy Wallbox B163, ...)
  • wallbe: Wallbe Eco chargers (see Preparation). For older Wallbe boxes (pre 2019) with Phoenix EV-CC-AC1-M3-CBC-RCM-ETH controllers make sure to set legacy: true to enable correct current configuration.
  • warp: Tinkerforge Warp/ Warp Pro charger
  • custom: default charger implementation using configurable plugins for integrating any type of charger

Smart-Home outlet charger implementations:

  • fritzdect: Fritz!DECT 200/210 outlets
  • shelly: Shelly outlets
  • tasmota: Tasmota outlets
  • tplink: TP-Link HSXXX series outlets

Configuration examples are documented at evcc-io/config#chargers

EEBUS (experimental) preparation

  1. Run evcc eebus-cert
  2. Add the output to the evcc.yaml configuration file
  3. Open the web interface of the charger to get the chargers SKI (Identifcation Number) For Porsche Mobile Charger Connect this is available in the top menu "Connections" sub-menu "Energy Manager"
  4. Add the charger to your configuration:
    - name: mcc
      type: eebus
      ski: 1234-5678-9012-3456-7890-1234-5678-9012-3456
  5. Run evcc
  6. On the web interface of the charger typically in the page showing the chargers SKI, EVCC should be shown including an option to pair the charger with EVCC. Do just that.
  7. The EVCC web interface should show the charger and status of a connected car and allow to charge

KEBA preparation

KEBA chargers require UDP function to be enabled with DIP 1.3 = ON, see KEBA installation manual.

Phoenix EM/EV ethernet controller preparation

The EM/EV ethernet controllers requires DIP 10 = ON be controlled by ModBus, see controller manual.

Wallbe preparation

Wallbe chargers are supported out of the box. The Wallbe must be connected using Ethernet. If not configured, the default address is used.

To allow controlling charge start/stop, the Wallbe physical configuration must be modified. This requires opening the Wallbe. Once opened, DIP 10 must be set to ON:


More information on interacting with Wallbe chargers can be found at GoingElectric. Use with care.

NOTE: The Wallbe products come in two flavors. Older models (2017 known to be "old", 2019 known to be "new") use the Phoenix EV-CC-AC1-M3-CBC-RCM controller. For such models make sure to set legacy: true. You can find you which one you have using MBMD:

mbmd read -a -d 255 -t holding -e int 300 1

Compare the value to what you see as Actual Charge Current Setting in the Wallbe web UI. If the numbers match, it's a Phoenix controller, if the reading is factor 10x the UI value then it's a Wallbe controller.

NOTE: Opening the wall box must only be done by certified professionals. The box must be disconnected from mains before opening.


Meters provide data about power and energy consumption, PV production or battery utilization. A meter defines a point of power delivery and can be an actual physical meter (e.g. a grid meter), a PV inverter (AC or even DC power in case of hybrid inverters), or a home battery.

Chargers may also contain internal or attached meters. If the charger contains an internal meter, there's no need to configure the charge meter separately. If no charge meter is configured, EVCC will use the charger-attached meter (if exists) or assume the configured charger power as meter value.

EVCC uses positive (+) sign for incoming energy (grid consumption, PV inverter production or home battery discharge) and negative (-) sign for outgoing energy (grid export, PV inverter remaining usage or home battery charge). All remaining home power usage, including the charger, is always of positive (+) sign.

Available meter implementations are:

  • modbus: ModBus meters as supported by MBMD. Configuration is similar to the ModBus plugin where power and energy specify the MBMD measurement value to use. Additionally, soc can specify an MBMD measurement value for home battery soc. Typical values are power: Power, energy: Sum and soc: ChargeState where only power applied per default.
  • lgess: LG ESS HOME meter. Use usage to choose meter type: grid/pv/battery. Use uri to configure the URI of the LG ESS HOME. Use password to configure the password required to access the LG ESS HOME. uri and password only need to be provided once if multiple usages are defined.
  • openwb: OpenWB meters. Use usage to choose meter type: grid/pv/battery.
  • sma: SMA Home Manager 2.0, SMA Energy Meter and Inverters via SMA Speedwire.
  • tesla: Tesla PowerWall meter. Use usage to choose meter type: grid/pv/battery.
  • custom: default meter implementation where meter readings- power, energy, per-phase currents and battery soc are configured using plugins

Configuration examples are documented at evcc-io/config#meters


Vehicle represents a specific EV vehicle and its battery. If vehicle is configured and assigned to the charger, charge status and remaining charge duration become available in the user interface.

Available vehicle remote interface implementations are:

  • audi: Audi (eTron, Q55)
  • bmw: BMW (i3)
  • carwings: Nissan (Leaf pre 2019)
  • citroen, ds, opel, peugeot: All PSA brands
  • fiat: Fiat (500e, Neuer 500)
  • ford: Ford (Kuga, Mustang)
  • kia: Kia (Soul and other Bluelink models)
  • hyundai: Hyundai (Bluelink vehicles like Kona or Ioniq)
  • mini: Mini (Cooper SE)
  • nissan: Nissan (Leaf)
  • niu: Niu Scooter
  • tesla: Tesla (any model)
  • renault: Renault (all ZE models: Zoe, Twingo Electric, Master, Kangoo)
  • ovms: Open Vehicle Monitoring System (f.i. Twizzy, Smart ED)
  • porsche: Porsche (Taycan, Cayenne E-Hybrid)
  • seat: Seat (Cupra, Mii)
  • skoda: Skoda (Citigo)
  • enyaq: Skoda (Enyaq)
  • vw: Volkswagen (eGolf, eUp)
  • id: Volkswagen (ID.3, ID.4)
  • volvo: Volvo
  • tronity: Tronity (sponsors only)
  • custom: default vehicle implementation using configurable plugins for integrating any type of vehicle

Configuration examples are documented at evcc-io/config#vehicles

Home Energy Management System

EVCC can integrate itself with Home Energy Management Systems. At this time, the SMA Home Manager (SHM) is the only supported system. To enable add

  type: sma
  allowcontrol: false # set true to allow SHM controlling charger in PV modes

to the configuration. The EVCC loadpoints can then be added to the SHM configuration. When SHM is used, the ratio of Grid to PV Power for the Min+PV mode can be adjusted in Sunny-Portal via the "Optional energy demand" slider. When the amount of configured PV is not available, charging suspends like in PV mode. So, pushing the slider completely to the left makes Min+PV behave as described above. Pushing completely to the right makes Min+PV mode behave like PV mode.

Flexible Energy Tariffs

EVCC supports flexible energy tariffs as offered by Awattar or Tibber. Configuration allows to define a "cheap" rate at which charging from grid is enabled at highest possible rate even when not enough PV power is locally available:

    # either
    type: tibber
    cheap: 20 # ct/kWh
    token: "476c477d8a039529478ebd690d35ddd80e3308ffc49b59c65b142321aee963a4" # access token
    homeid: "cc83e83e-8cbf-4595-9bf7-c3cf192f7d9c" # optional if multiple homes associated to account

    # or
    type: awattar
    cheap: 20 # ct/kWh
    region: de # optional, choose at for Austria


Plugins are used to integrate various devices and external data sources with EVCC. Plugins can be used in combination with a custom type meter, charger or vehicle.

Plugins support both read and write access. When using plugins for write access, the actual data is provided as variable in form of ${var[:format]}. If format is omitted, data is formatted according to the default Go %v format. The variable is replaced with the actual data before the plugin is executed.

Modbus (read/write)

The modbus plugin is able to read data from any Modbus meter or SunSpec-compatible solar inverter. Many meters are already pre-configured (see MBMD Supported Devices). It also supports writing Modbus registers for integration of additional chargers.

The meter configuration consists of the actual physical connection and the value to be read.

Physical connection

If the device is physically connected using an RS485 adapter, device and serial configuration baudrate, comset must be specified:

source: modbus
device: /dev/ttyUSB0
baudrate: 9600
comset: "8N1"

If the device is a grid inverter or a Modbus meter connected via TCP, uri must be specified:

source: modbus
id: 1 # modbus slave id

If the device is a Modbus RTU device connected using an RS485/Ethernet adapter, set rtu: true. The serial configuration must be done directly on the adapter. Example:

source: modbus
id: 3 # modbus slave id
rtu: true

Logical connection

The device's type model and the device's slave id id are always required:

source: modbus
uri/device/id: ...
model: sdm
value: Power
scale: -1 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for kW to W conversion

Supported meter models are the same as supported by MBMD:

  • RTU:
    • ABB ABB A/B-Series meters
    • MPM Bernecker Engineering MPM3PM meters
    • DZG DZG Metering GmbH DVH4013 meters
    • INEPRO Inepro Metering Pro 380
    • JANITZA Janitza B-Series meters
    • SBC Saia Burgess Controls ALD1 and ALE3 meters
    • SDM Eastron SDM630
    • SDM220 Eastron SDM220
    • SDM230 Eastron SDM230
    • SDM72 Eastron SDM72
    • ORNO1P ORNO WE-514 & WE-515
    • ORNO3P ORNO WE-516 & WE-517
  • TCP: Sunspec-compatible grid inverters (SMA, SolarEdge, Kaco, KOSTAL, Fronius, Steca etc)

Use value to define the value to read from the device. All values that are supported by MBMD are pre-configured.

In case of SunSpec-compatible inverters, values can also be configured in the form of model:[block:]point according to SunSpec definition. For example, a 3-phase inverter's DC power of the 2nd string would be configurable as 103:2:W.

Manual configuration

If the Modbus device is not supported by MBMD, the Modbus register can also be manually configured:

source: modbus
uri/device/id: ...
  address: 40070
  source: holding # holding or input
  decode: int32 # int16|32|64, uint16|32|64, float32|64 and u|int32s + float32s
scale: -1 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for kW to W conversion

The int32s/uint32s decodings apply swapped word order and are useful e.g. with E3/DC devices.

To write a register use type: writesingle which writes a single 16bit register (either int or bool). The encoding is always uint16 in this case.

MQTT (read/write)

The mqtt plugin allows to read values from MQTT topics. This is particularly useful for meters, e.g. when meter data is already available on MQTT. See MBMD for an example how to get Modbus meter data into MQTT. Includes the ability to read and parse JSON using jq-like queries (see HTTP plugin).

Sample configuration:

source: mqtt
topic: mbmd/sdm1-1/Power
timeout: 30s # don't accept values older than timeout
scale: 0.001 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for Wh to kWh conversion

Sample write configuration:

source: mqtt
topic: mbmd/charger/maxcurrent
payload: ${var:%d}

For write access, the data is provided using the payload attribute. If payload is missing, the value will be written in default format.

HTTP (read/write)

The http plugin executes HTTP requests to read or update data. Includes the ability to read and parse JSON using jq-like queries for REST apis.

Sample read configuration:

source: http
uri: https://volkszaehler/api/data/<uuid>.json?from=now
method: GET # default HTTP method
- content-type: application/json
auth: # basic authorization
  type: basic
  user: foo
  password: bar
insecure: false # set to true to trust self-signed certificates
jq: .data.tuples[0][1] # parse response json
scale: 0.001 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for kW to W conversion
timeout: 10s # timeout in golang duration format, see https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration

Sample write configuration:

body: %v # only applicable for PUT or POST requests

Websocket (read only)

The websocket plugin implements a web socket listener. Includes the ability to read and parse JSON using jq-like queries. It can for example be used to receive messages from Volkszähler's push server.

Sample configuration (read only):

source: http
uri: ws://<volkszaehler host:port>/socket
jq: .data | select(.uuid=="<uuid>") .tuples[0][1] # parse message json
scale: 0.001 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for Wh to kWh conversion
timeout: 30s # error if no update received in 30 seconds

SMA/Speedwire (read only)

The sma plugin provides an interface to SMA devices via the Speedwire protocol.

Sample configuration (read only):

source: sma
uri: # alternative to serial
serial: 123456 # alternative to uri
value: ActivePowerPlus # ID of value to read
password: "0000" # optional (default: 0000)
interface: eth0 # optional
scale: 1 # optional scale factor for value

Supported values for value can be found in the diagnostic dump of the command evcc meter (with a configured SMA meter).

All possible values can be found as const here (use the names of the const for value).

Javascript (read/write)

EVCC includes a bundled Javascript interpreter with Underscore.js library installed, which is directly accessible via _. e.g. _.random(0,5). The js plugin is able to execute Javascript code from the script tag. Useful for quick prototyping:

source: js
script: |
  var res = 500;
  2 * res; // returns 1000

When using the js plugin for writing, the value to write is handed to the script as pre-populated variable:

- type: custom
    source: js
    script: |

Shell Script (read/write)

The script plugin executes external scripts to read or update data. This plugin is useful to implement any type of external functionality.

Sample read configuration:

source: script
cmd: /bin/bash -c "cat /dev/urandom"
timeout: 5s

Sample write configuration:

source: script
cmd: /home/user/my-script.sh ${enable:%b} # format boolean enable as 0/1
timeout: 5s

Calc (read only)

The calc plugin allows calculating the sum of other plugins:

source: calc
- source: ...
- source: ...

The calc plugin is useful e.g. to combine power values if import and export power are separate like with S0 meters. Use scale: -1 on one of the elements to implement a subtraction or scale: 1000 to implement Wh to kWh conversion.

Combined status (read only)

The combined status plugin is used to convert a mixed boolean status of plugged/charging into an EVCC-compatible charger status of A..F. It is typically used together with OpenWB MQTT integration.

Sample configuration (read only):

source: combined
  source: mqtt
  topic: openWB/lp/1/boolPlugStat
  source: mqtt
  topic: openWB/lp/1/boolChargeStat


EVCC provides a REST and MQTT APIs.


  • /api/state: EVCC state (static configuration and dynamic state)
  • /api/loadpoints/<id>/mode: loadpoint charge mode (writable)
  • /api/loadpoints/<id>/minsoc: loadpoint minimum SoC (writable)
  • /api/loadpoints/<id>/targetsoc: loadpoint target SoC (writable)
  • /api/loadpoints/<id>/phases: loadpoint enabled phases (writable)

Note: to modify writable settings perform a POST request appending the value as path segment.


The MQTT API follows the REST API's structure, with loadpoint ids starting at 0:

  • evcc: root topic
  • evcc/status: status (online/offline)
  • evcc/updated: timestamp of last update
  • evcc/site: site dynamic state
  • evcc/site/prioritySoC: battery priority SoC (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints: number of available loadpoints
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>: loadpoint dynamic state
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/mode: loadpoint charge mode (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/minSoC: loadpoint minimum SoC (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/targetSoC: loadpoint target SoC (writable)
  • evcc/loadpoints/<id>/phases: loadpoint enabled phases (writable)

Note: to modify writable settings append /set to the topic for writing.


EVCC believes in open source software. We're committed to provide best in class EV charging experience. Maintaining EVCC consumes time and effort. With the vast amount of different devices to support, we depend on community and vendor support to keep EVCC alive.

While EVCC is open source, we would also like to encourage vendors to provide open source hardware devices, public documentation and support open source projects like hours that provide additional value to otherwised closed hardware. Where this is not the case, EVCC requires "sponsor token" to finance ongoing development and support of evcc.

The personal sponsor token requires a Github Sponsorship and can be requested at cloud.evcc.io. A sponsor token is valid for one year and can be renewed any time with active sponsorship.


EVCC is heavily inspired by OpenWB. However, in 2019, I found OpenWB's architecture slightly intimidating with everything basically global state and heavily relying on shell scripting. On the other side, especially the scripting aspect is one that contributes to OpenWB's flexibility.

Hence, for a simplified and stricter implementation of an EV charge controller, the design goals for EVCC were:

  • typed language with ability for systematic testing - achieved by using Go
  • structured configuration - supports YAML-based config file
  • avoidance of feature bloat, simple and clean UI - utilizes Bootstrap
  • containerized operation beyond Raspberry Pi - provide multi-arch Docker Image