
Simple REST API for the tarot cards of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tarot Card API

Provides information parsed from AE Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot in OpenAPI 3 format (sorta).

For all your cybermysticism needs. 🔮

GET path Result Params
/ or /cards return all cards
/api/v1/cards/:name_short return card with specified name_short minors: /swac, /wa02, ..., /cupa, /pequ, /waqu, /swki, majors /ar01, /ar02, .../ar[n]
/api/v1/cards/search search all cards q={text}, meaning={text}, meaning_rev={text}
/api/v1/cards/random get random card(s) optional n={integer <= 78}


Get all cards with word "peace" in meaning (reversed or upright):

https://rws-cards-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/cards/search?meaning=peace (free dyno == super slow, sorry)

Get 10 random cards:


Get the Knight of Wands:
