Terraform Cloud & Github Integration

Step-01: Introduction

  • Create Github Repository on github.com
  • Clone Github Repository to local desktop
  • Copy & Check-In Terraform Configurations in to Github Repository
  • Create Terraform Cloud Account
  • Create Organization
  • Create Workspace by integrating with Github.com Git Repo we recently created
  • Learn about Workspace related Queue Plan, Runs, States, Variables and Settings

Step-02: Create new github Repository

  • URL: github.com
  • Click on Create a new repository
  • Repository Name: terraform-cloud-demo1
  • Description: Terraform Cloud Demo
  • Repo Type: Public / Private
  • Initialize this repository with:
  • CHECK - Add a README file
  • CHECK - Add .gitignore
  • Select .gitignore Template: Terraform
  • CHECK - Choose a license
  • Select License: Apache 2.0 License
  • Click on Create repository

Step-03: Review .gitignore created for Terraform

  • Review .gitignore created for Terraform projects

Step-04: Clone Github Repository to Local Desktop

# Clone Github Repo
git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_GITHUB_ID>/<YOUR_REPO>.git

Step-05: Copy files from terraform-manifests to local repo & Check-In Code

  • List of files to be copied
    • apache-install.sh
    • c1-versions.tf
    • c2-variables.tf
    • c3-security-groups.tf
    • c4-ec2-instance.tf
    • c5-outputs.tf
    • c6-ami-datasource.tf
  • Source Location: Section-11-01 - Inside terraform-manifests folder
  • Destination Location: Newly cloned github repository folder in your local desktop terraform-cloud-demo1
  • Verify locally before commiting to GIT Repository
# Terraform Init
terraform init

# Terraform Validate
terraform validate

# Terraform Plan
terraform plan
  • Check-In code to Remote Repository
# GIT Status
git status

# Git Local Commit
git add .
git commit -am "TF Files First Commit"

# Push to Remote Repository
git push

# Verify the same on Remote Repository

Step-06: Sign-Up for Terraform Cloud - Free Account & Login

Step-07: Create Organization

  • Organization Name: hcta-demo1
  • Email Address:
  • Click on Create Organization

Step-08: Create New Workspace

  • Get in to newly created Organization
  • Click on New Workspace
  • Choose your workflow: V
    • Version Control Workflow
  • Connect to VCS
    • Connect to a version control provider: github.com
    • NEW WINDOW: Authorize Terraform Cloud: Click on Authorize Terraform Cloud Button
    • NEW WINDOW: Install Terraform Cloud
    • Select radio button: Only select repositories
    • Selected 1 Repository: https://github.com/<YOUR_GITHUB_ID>/<YOUR_REPO>.git
    • Click on Install
  • Choose a Repository
  • Configure Settings
    • Workspace Name: terraform-cloud-demo1 (Whatever populated automically leave to defaults)
    • Advanced Settings: leave to defaults
  • Click on Create Workspace
  • You should see this message Configuration uploaded successfully

Step-09: Configure Variables

  • Variable: aws_region
    • key: aws_region
    • value: us-east-1
  • Variable: instance_type
    • key: instance_type
    • value: t3.micro

Step-10: Configre Environment Variables

  • Setup AWS Access Keys for Terraform
  • Configure AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
  • Environment Variable: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  • Environment Variable: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Step-11: Click on Queue Plan

  • Go to Workspace -> Runs -> Queue Plan
  • Review the plan generated in Full Screen
  • Add Comment: First Run
  • Click on Confirm & Apply
  • Add Comment: First Run Approved
  • Click on Confirm Plan
  • Review Apply log output in Full Screen
  • Add Comment: Successfully Provisioned, Verified in AWS

Step-12: Review Terraform State

  • Go to Workspace -> States
  • Review the state file

Step-13: Change Number of Instance

  • Go to Local Desktop -> Local Repo -> c4-ec2-instance.tf -> Change count from 1 to 2
# Change c4-ec2-instance.tf
count = 2

# GIT Status
git status

# Git Local Commit
git add .
git commit -am "Changed EC2 Instances from 1 to 2"

# Push to Remote Repository
git push

# Verify Terraform Cloud
Go to Workspace -> Runs 
1) New plan should be queued ->  Click on Current Plan and review logs in Full Screen
2) Click on **Confirm and Apply**
3) Add Comment: Approved for new EC2 Instance and Click on **Confirm Plan**
4) Verify Apply Logs in Full Screen
5) Review the update state in  Workspace -> States
6) Verify if new EC2 Instance got created

Step-14: Review Workpace Settings

  • Goto -> Workspace -> Settings
    • General Settings
    • Locking
    • Notifications
    • Run Triggers
    • SSH Key
    • Version Control

Step-15: Destruction and Deletion

  • Goto -> Workspace -> Settings -> Destruction and Deletion
  • click on Queue Destroy Plan to delete the resources on cloud
  • Goto -> Workspac -> Runs -> Click on Confirm & Apply
  • Add Comment: Approved for Deletion