Yahoo Data Pipeline using Airflow


├── airflow  
|   └── airflow.cfg                           
│   └── dags 
|       └──
├── app                                 
│   ├──                            
│   ├──                          
│   └── 
├── docker    
│   ├── Dockerfile                        
│   └── docker-compose.yaml                           
├── etl                                 
|   └── 
├── .env                               
├── application_default_credentials.json 
├── architecture_diagram.png            
├── market_codes.csv                  
├── requirements.txt     


This project creates a dynamic, scalable, and secure pipeline for processing Yahoo API data, using GCP services, Airflow, FastAPI, and Docker. It seamlessly ingests, validates, transforms, and delivers data, providing actionable insights through well-defined APIs.

Key Objectives

  • Efficiently process vast amounts of data from Yahoo APIs.
  • Ensure data integrity and quality through rigorous validation.
  • Deliver scalable solutions with GCP's computing and storage services.
  • Facilitate data-driven decision-making for clients via FastAPI endpoints.
  • Maintain high system reliability and instant alerting mechanisms.

This comprehensive approach combines the project's overarching goals with specific objectives, laying a foundation for a robust, scalable, and efficient data processing pipeline.

Architecture Highlights

  • Data Ingestion: Utilizes Yahoo APIs, including Insights API and Marketing API, for source data.
  • Data Validation: Employs Great Expectations to ensure data quality before processing.
  • ETL Processes: Orchestrated by Airflow, leveraging Python and Pandas for data transformation, preparing it for analysis and reporting.
  • Computing and Storage: Uses GCP Compute Engine for scalable computing resources and CloudSQL for robust data storage.
  • API Management: FastAPI framework, deployed on GCP Cloud Run, exposes processed data through secure and efficient endpoints.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Integrates Slack Webhooks to provide instant notifications for system alerts and updates.
  • Containerization: Docker encapsulates the project's components, ensuring consistent environments and streamlined deployments.

Architecture Diagram

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