
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

myList READ ME

Start a Project

  1. Make directory structure
	$ mkdir YOUR_APP_NAME
  1. Initialize git
	$ git init
	$ git remote add origin git@github.com:sheoranjs24/YOUR_APP_NAME.git 
	$ git -b checkout develop
  1. Touch initial files
	$ touch app.py .gitignore .gitconfig README.md requirements.txt .editorconfig CHANGELOG.md LICENSE MANIFEST.in requirements.txt package.json gulpfile.js fabfile.py
  1. Make Python Virtual Environment
	$ which python3
	$ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 YOUR_APP_NAME
  1. Automatically change working directory to the project directory
	$ workon YOUR_APP_NAME
	$ echo "cd ~/path/to/your/project" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
  1. Install Python Libraries
	$ pip install Flask==0.10.1
	$ pip install gunicorn
  1. Add installed libaries to requirements.txt
	$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Add content to app.py
  2. Run the app
	$ python app.py  \# http://localhost:5000/
  1. Install Heroku toolkit and plugins
	$ heroku plugins:install heroku-pipelines
  1. Add content to procfile
	$ echo "web: gunicorn --pythonpath src backend.app:app" >> Procfile
  1. Heroku settings for python
	echo "python-3.4.2" >> runtime.txt
  1. Commit your changes in git and PUSH to Github
	$ git checkout -b develop
	$ git add .
	$ git commit -m "hello world app"
	$ git push -u origin develop
  1. Touch Heroku specific files
	$ touch Procfile app.json .env .slugignore runtime.txt
  1. Create 2 heroku apps
	$ heroku create YOUR_APP_NAME-stage
	$ heroku create YOUR_APP_NAME-prod
  1. Add Heroku git remotes
	$ git remote add stage git@heroku.com:YOUR_APP_NAME-stage.git
	$ git remote add prod git@heroku.com:YOUR_APP_NAME-prod.git
  1. Create Heroku Pipelines
	$ heroku pipelines:create -a YOUR_APP_NAME-stage
	$ heroku pipelines:add -a YOUR_APP_NAME-prod YOUR_APP_NAME
  1. Connect Heroku with GitHub so that commits are automatically deployed
  2. Run app locally
	$ gunicorn --pythonpath src backend.app:app  #
  1. Test heroku local deploy
	$ heroku local web
  1. Commit to git
	$ git add .
	$ git commit -m "add heroku config"
	$ git push -u origin develop
  1. Bump up version number & push to staging branch on GitHub (auto-deploy to Heroku)
	$ git checkout -b stage
	\# todo: make some changes to reflect new version
	$ git commit -a "bump version number to XX"
	$ git push origin stage
  1. Check logs
	$ heroku logs --tail --app YOUR_APP_NAME-stage
  1. Push changes to master & tag it
	$ git checkout master
	$ git merge --no-ff stage
	$ git tag -a XX
	$ git push origin master
  1. Create config.py file
  2. Local & Remote Settings
	$ echo "export APP_SETTINGS=\"config.DevelopmentConfig\"" > $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/Postactivate
	$ workon YOUR_APP_NAME
	$ heroku config:set APP_SETTINGS=config.StagingConfig --remote stage
	$ heroku config:set APP_SETTINGS=config.ProductionConfig --remote prod
	\# test
	$ heroku run python src/backend/app.py --app YOUR_APP_NAME-stage
	$ heroku run python src/backend/app.py --app YOUR_APP_NAME-prod
  1. Send logs to Papertrail
  2. Add Automated tests using Travis/Jenkins

Add support for database

  1. Install Dependencies
	$ brew install postgres
	$ pip install psycopg2 Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-Migrate
	$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Create a database called YOUR_APP_NAME-dev to use as our local development database.
	$ createdb YOUR_APP_NAME-dev
	$ psql YOUR_APP_NAME-dev
	SQL> \q
  1. Add database to configuration file: Add SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI field to the Config() class
  2. Add database variable to postactivate file
	$ echo "export DATABASE_URL=\"postgresql://localhost/YOUR_APP_NAME-dev\"" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
	$ workon YOUR_APP_NAME   #restart virtual env
  1. In your app.py file import SQLAlchemy and connect to the database.
  2. Use Alembic and Flask-Migrate to migrate our local database to the latest version
	$ touch src/backend/manage.py
	$ python src/backend/manage.py db init
  1. Migrate db
	$ python src/backend/manage.py db migrate
	$ python src/backend/manage.py db upgrade  
  1. Remote Migration Configuration
	\# Check if the app already has a database
	$ heroku config --app YOUR_APP_NAME-stage	
	\# If no database, then add the Postgres addon
	$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app YOUR_APP_NAME-stage
  1. Commit the changes and merge to staging
	$ git add .
	$ git commit -m "add postgres configuration"
	$ git push origin feature/config-database
	\# todo: Create pull-request and merge branch to develop
	$ git checkout develop
	$ git pull origin develop
	$ git checkout stage
	$ git merge --no-ff develop
	$ git push origin stage
  1. Run the migrations that we created to migrate our staging database.
	$ heroku run python src/backend/manage.py db upgrade --app YOUR_APP_NAME-stage
  1. Setup Production database
	$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app YOUR_APP_NAME-prod
	$ git checkout master
	$ git merge --no-ff stage
	$ git tag -a XX
	$ git push origin master
	\# todo: Use heroku pipeline to push stage to prod
	$ heroku run python src/backend/manage.py db upgrade --app YOUR_APP_NAME-prod