This program is an animation program designed to allow an interactive 3D environment. The text is rendered onto a 2D plane in the environment to add to the experience and deliver the message in a visually creative and interesting way.
Watch the video here.
Clone this repo. Settings are Microsoft Visual Studio x64.
Modify solution properties, (all solutions) edit debug > VCC++ > add includes add libraries.
Go to linker and add additional libraries of config, dlls, bin, resources. go to properties > linker > input and add glfw3.lib, opengl32.lib, assimp.lib, and freetype.lib.
Go to project add all existing items to the project.
if filestystem.h warnings: after class FileSystem { enter: public: #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
if using stb_image, add the following define below all includes: #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION
(optional) Add additional helpful macros. See
Set the C++ language properties and add most recent C++ version to use the 2020 libraries.
Credit to LearnOpenGL for shaders, camera, glfw functions and text rendering functions.
Learn OpenGL, extensive tutorial resource for learning Modern OpenGL. (n.d.-c).
Proudly crafted with ❤️ by Shera Adams.