This is a prototype for converting BDRC etexts into epubs.
Currently it only works with data kept locally on the file system. It creates markdown files which are then converted by pandoc into an epub.
To run the prototype, you will need the relevant RDF .ttl files stored in a single directory on the file system. Namely, the files mentioned in the email describing how to get the details for texts.
For example:
Pandoc v1.x is required to be installed. v2 will not work for now.
to the directory where the repo has been cloned. Then enter this command, using the correct paths for your files:
mvn compile exec:java -q -Dexec.args="-s /path/to/data/ -o /path/to/output/"
* --sourceDir, -s
The directory that contains the directories containing the .ttl files.
--outputDir, -o
The directory where the generated files will be saved. Defaults to
--documentFiles, -df
The directory that contains files used for the epub and docx. Defaults
to ./document_files
--itemId, -id
If supplied, only the item with this id will be processed.
--epub, -e
Only generate epub files
Default: false
--docx, -d
Only generate docx files
Default: false
--help, -h
Display the usage information.
Epub files will be generated in /path/to/output/<datetime>/epub
docx files will be generated in /path/to/output/<datetime>/docx
Markdown files will be generated in /path/to/output/<datetime>/markdown