BrainBay is an open source bio- and neurofeedback application. It also offers some features for the creation of alternative Human-Computer-Interfaces (HCIs) lsuch as facetracking via webcam, EMG signal pattern recognition or mouse-/keyboard control.
All source code is licensed under GPL, for copyright information please have a look at ReadMe_License.txt
The current release version is 1.9 (27-12-2013). Recent changes include support of biosignal amplifiers (Emotiv Epoc, OpenBCI) some GUI-cleanup, fixed issues (webcam/facetracking and particle animation) and new signal processing elements.
In case you just want to use the software, you find the executable file BrainBay.exe in the bin folder, where also the user- and developer manuals are available.
If you want to modifiy or extend the software, the Visual Studio 2010 project files and all source modules are located in the src folder.
- Jim Peters for his marvellous filter-works (
- Jeremy Wilkerson for programming some BrainBay Objects and MinGW/WINE support
- Jeff Molofee (NeHe) for this great OpenGl-tutorial (
- Don Cross for a well working fft-routine (
- AllenD for showing how to do a thread-oriented Com-Handler in Win32
- Craig Peacock for the the PortTalk I/O-driver, see
- Marcin Kocikowski for the Neurobit Optima-4 Device and support
- Raymond Nguyen for the vector port additions
- Franz Strobl for the OCZ NIA support
- Stephan Gerhard for the QDS parser
Find documentation on the project hompage and in the user and developer manuals. I also recommend having a look at the OpenEEG site or the new OpenBCI project:
If you want to share your BrainBay design files for neurofeedback or biofeedback protocols, I would be happy to include them in the release.
Enjoy :-)
Chris Veigl contact: