
Open Source Biofeedback Software

Primary LanguageArcOtherNOASSERTION

Welcome to BrainBay !

BrainBay is an open source bio- and neurofeedback application. It also offers some features for the creation of alternative Human-Computer-Interfaces (HCIs) lsuch as facetracking via webcam, EMG signal pattern recognition or mouse-/keyboard control.

All source code is licensed under GPL, for copyright information please have a look at ReadMe_License.txt

Version Info

  • The current release version is 1.9 (27-12-2013). Recent changes include support of biosignal amplifiers (Emotiv Epoc, OpenBCI) some GUI-cleanup, fixed issues (webcam/facetracking and particle animation) and new signal processing elements.

  • In case you just want to use the software, you find the executable file BrainBay.exe in the bin folder, where also the user- and developer manuals are available.

  • If you want to modifiy or extend the software, the Visual Studio 2010 project files and all source modules are located in the src folder.


  • Jim Peters for his marvellous filter-works (http://uazu.net/fiview/)
  • Jeremy Wilkerson for programming some BrainBay Objects and MinGW/WINE support
  • Jeff Molofee (NeHe) for this great OpenGl-tutorial (http://nehe.gamedev.net)
  • Don Cross for a well working fft-routine (http://www.intersrv.com/~dcross/fft.html)
  • AllenD for showing how to do a thread-oriented Com-Handler in Win32
  • Craig Peacock for the the PortTalk I/O-driver, see http://www.beyondlogic.org
  • Marcin Kocikowski for the Neurobit Optima-4 Device and support
  • Raymond Nguyen for the vector port additions
  • Franz Strobl for the OCZ NIA support
  • Stephan Gerhard for the QDS parser

Further Information

  • Find documentation on the project hompage http://brainbay.lo-res.org and in the user and developer manuals. I also recommend having a look at the OpenEEG site http://openeeg.sf.net or the new OpenBCI project: http://www.openbci.org

  • If you want to share your BrainBay design files for neurofeedback or biofeedback protocols, I would be happy to include them in the release.

Enjoy :-)

Chris Veigl contact: chris@shifz.org