Native Bindings for the Localytics Library. Only available on iOS right now.
npm install --save react-native-localytics
react-native link react-native-localytics
- Add Localytics to your ios/podfile file
pod 'Localytics', '~> 4.0'
cd ios && pod install
- Follow the steps on the Localytics SDK to complete installation. Basically:
- Add the Localytics schemes (optional)
- Add ATS Exception
- Initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate.m (this is the most important step). This is where you will be setuping which app key to use.
Note: CocoaPods installation is also available see at the end.
The method names are named the same as in the iOS SDK. Only a few methods are implemented now, but more to come! If you need somehting particular, just open an issue!
import * as Localytics from 'react-native-localytics';
Localytics.tagEvent('eventName', { more: 'attributes' });
Tagging events:
tagPurchased({ params?: ItemParams })
tagAddedToCart({ params?: ItemParams})
tagStartedCheckout({ params?: CheckoutParams })
tagCompletedCheckout({ params?: CheckoutParams })
- tagContentViewed
- tagSearched
- tagShared
- tagContentRated
tagCustomerRegistered({ customer?: Customer, methodName?: string, attributes?: Object })
tagCustomerLoggedIn({ customer?: Customer, methodName?: string, attributes: Object })
tagCustomerLoggedOut({ attributes?: Object })
- tagInvited
tagEvent(eventName: string, attributes?: Object)
Identifying users:
setCustomerId(id: string)
setCustomerFirstName(name: string)
setCustomerLastName(name: string)
setCustomerFullName(name: string)
setCustomerEmail(email: string)
setLocation({ lng: number, lat: number })
User profiles:
- setValue
- Numeric value
- Numeric values in a set
- Date value
- Dave values in a set
- String value
- String value in a set
- deleteProfileAttribute
- addValues
- Adding a numeric values to a set
- Adding a date values to a set
- Adding a string values to a set
- removeValues
- Removing numeric values from a set
- Removing date values from a set
- Removing string values from a set
- incrementValueBy
- decrementValueBy
customerId?: string,
firstName?: string,
lastName?: string,
fullName?: string,
emailAddress?: string,
itemName?: string,
itemId?: string,
itemType?: string,
itemPrice?: number,
attributes?: Object,
totalPrice?: number,
itemCount?: number,
attributes?: Object,
First install the package with npm npm install react-native-localytics
. Then add the following line in your Podfile
pod 'react-native-localytics', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-localytics'
If you need the static build instead of dynamic, use:
pod 'react-native-localytics', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-localytics', :subspecs => [