
This repository documents my journey in taking the Natural Language Processing Specialization certification offered by deeplearning.ai on Coursera.

Natural Language Processing Specialization Certification Journey

This repository documents my journey in taking the Natural Language Processing Specialization certification offered by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. The specialization consists of four courses that cover the fundamentals of natural language processing and deep learning techniques for text data.

Throughout the certification, I will be sharing my progress, notes, and code implementations in this repository. The code will be written in Python and will cover various NLP tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis, language modeling, and sequence-to-sequence models.

The courses in the specialization are:

  1. Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces
  2. Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models
  3. Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models
  4. Natural Language Processing with Attention Models

I will also be working on a final project at the end of the specialization to showcase my skills and knowledge in NLP. The project will involve building a real-world NLP application, such as a chatbot or a text summarizer.

I hope this repository will be helpful for anyone interested in NLP or taking the Natural Language Processing Specialization certification. Feel free to contribute, ask questions, or give feedback on my progress. Let's learn and grow together!